Regardless of how tough our soldiers are, no one should feel completely discounted at their military base. Living in germany we have met very few who like it there as well. Since I am still drilling as a reservist while he is considered active duty do we count as dual military? One review compared it to Hawaii but without the crowds. That second was to introduce a cost-sharing element designed to shift some of the expense to the member. Just wondering if you have any resource I can use to look up my situation. One review stated that the school system is out of date (but I am unsure as to what that means). The commissary isn’t great and the types of food are limited. For example, single junior enlisted members may be required to live in base dormitories or barracks until they have dependents or reach a certain rank (depending on availability and other factors). Will it still be the bah rate for my duty when I am not here or in California for my wife to pay for expenses, Can a married soldier receive BAH w/dependents if his or her spouse lives in a different state. We have been told that Lincoln military housing will take our BAH from 1 May to 15 May. As long as you report to work on time, your chain of command really can't do anything. Is it the same for the Marines? Find out more about how we use your information in our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. Will son’s mama be entitled to live with him either on-post in family housing, or considering the circumstances, become eligible for BAH? Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. That being said. If I cchange it this year to w/o dependents will I get the w/o dependent rate from 2016 or the new one from 2018? Yes, Germany is great. Rate protection continues unless the status of a service member changes due to: Individual rate protection is important because changing BAH rates are common. You can only live off-post if you are married or have applied for permission to do so once you make E5. This cost-sharing element was set at 1% for 2015 and set to increase 1% per year until it reaches a 5% cost-sharing (or covers 95% of median housing costs for the Military Housing Area). Will i no longer qualify for current government quarters? They constantly protest about Americans on island. Say we get married and I’m active duty, and she’s living out of state as a full-time student for college, will I still be able to get BAH and live off base, or at least get on-base housing, or will I still be in the dorms? Her command is trying to tell her no, but won’t provide the instruction where it states that. For now, rest easy, your BAH has not changed. I do know one guy who was a roommate of a married couple, but it was very brief and his address was still his barracks room. All ranks go to war. What do you think of the answers? after that weekend you can do whatever you want. Still have questions? Should I be receiving BAH for my dependent location while deployed? E3 is a hit or miss, but generally after boot and A-school, there is no restriction, but that is the submarine force, I cannot say for the surface fleet which might be a little more strict. Do we still qualify for BAH? Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Individual rate protection prevents decreases in housing allowances as long as the status of a service member remains unchanged. Will he still be able to collect BAH without me being enrolled to DEERS. Folk might have a hard time if they themselves are rude and do not appreciate different cultures. They told us we would be prorated back. AD personnel under the paygrade of E5 and Single are required to live in the barracks except under specific circumstances. Talk to the dorm manager and they will know and have a list you can put your name on. They also said that traveling was easy. Covering your belongings is your responsibility, not your landlord’s responsibility. they actually ususally have plenty of room to house Junior Enlised Single types. thanks in advance. Maybe one of the worst places on Earth. So that will be your entire paycheck why waste it, wait save it and then move out when it is allowed. my girlfriend and I are not married and have decided not to get married yet, but we are having a baby. It isn't like America, but what do you expect, it is Europe. I went on deployment in Feb 19. Luke AFB Sucks, stationed there 5 years. My husband works with a lot of germans and he has told me crazy things about there work ethics as well.... also we lived off base and decided to move on due to our landlords daughter and son in law harassing us no stop. You will still be paid BAH to help adequately house your dependents. If you have children, they will have to drive roughly an hour to the nearest international school. But you would still need permission to do so. What Air Force jobs help you get the best high paying jobs after your military tenure? Will she receive BAH? See the above section under the heading “Does BAH Cover 100% of Expenses?” for a more in-depth explanation. It astounds me that there are folk who live in Germany and NOT find it awe inspiring. Additionally the Queen of the Netherlands provides them with free coffee and small Xmas gifts every year. However, it’s easy to argue that BAH is an integral part of military compensation, and taking away BAH from one member of a dual military household amounts to a significant pay cut. However, the 2015 & 2016 Defense Authorization Acts passed by Congress included provisions to decrease the percentage of expected housing costs BAH was supposed to cover. As with all real estate, it often comes down to location, location, location. a. if the Dorms are half full, then no one is gonna get permission to collect BAH as a single airmen, regardless of rank., most bases will always allow E-6's and above to get BAH. How are BAH rates decided? There are many small villages that are very friendly. When my son deploys to Turkey, and his wife and child move in with her parents, will she get Bah? The base often runs out of supplies at the PX and has been considered not family friendly. So you should probably count on living in the dorms, for at least the first 3 years you are in the Air Force. So I would be really surprised if anyone now does, unless the dorm is crammed for maybe a week/and you just get a roommate for a short time while they get you a room to yourself. The DoD uses actual market data from approximately 300 Military Housing Areas (MHAs) in the United States, including Alaska and Hawaii. I remember the Army guys stationed there a few years ago went a around starting bar fights and so on so yes the locals are going to label any uniform wearing person as a bad person. I have a friend who is in the army reserves. Ask someone next time... How Kadena is tops is beyond me. Just be aware there are many factors to consider outside of just your BAH for your market, including the cost of homeownership, closing costs, downpayment, homeowner’s insurance, taxes, maintenance, and the viability of renting out your home if you PCS. Great food, great shopping, heavenly outdoor activities. My dependent lives or What rank do you need to live off base without being married? There was one positive review that indicates that, for the right price, you can find a nice place to live. 'Secret weapon' gives GOP hope for Election Day, The New Yorker suspends Toobin after Zoom incident, Woman, 9 months pregnant, easily breaks 6-minute mile, 50 Cent appears to endorse Trump over Biden, Blue wave would rain $2.5 trillion stimulus: Analyst, SCOTUS blocks GOP effort to limit mail-in voting, With just days to go in the campaign, Trump rips toilets, WH ups stimulus offer as Pelosi's deadline looms. Was in Germany for six months. In the Air Force they live in the dormitories, and in the Navy - depending upon the command will either live … There is a gas station on base, which is convenient, It's a very busy base, so that's a drawback for many, A friend's landlord was openly racist against black people and wouldn't rent to them. The DoD is looking for ways to save money and will continue to look for places to make cuts. Some reasons why some bases are terrible include: Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms. It is now March and he still hasn't came back to work. It isn’t technically an AFB, so they don’t have the “normal” base facilities that you would typically see. For single airmen to receive BAH, that's determined by local command policy. He doesn’t have access to make phone calls so I have to figure out most of it by myself. Also, how would I be able to enroll on DEERS on a base near me without an escort? what is the paperwork required? Hi! This place will be beautiful in my rear view mirror! in case you reside off-base, you are able to desire to bypass away lots quicker to make it with the aid of site visitors and the gates. Will he receive BAH for my zip code once he leaves? What I am seeing from the majority of reviews indicates that Ramstein is very unsanitary. His command is saying my spouse is only entitled to BAH II. The different types of units are referred to as “profiles” or “anchor points.” DoD uses housing profiles to link rental costs with particular pay grades. Now that she is 20 weeks pregnant, isn’t he entitled to BAH? And does the apartment contract have to be under both of our names? Contact – Ryan Guina @ The Military Wallet, Home Depot and Lowe’s 10% Military Discounts, Advertiser Disclosure: Opinions, reviews, analyses & recommendations are the author’s alone, and have not been reviewed, endorsed or approved by any other entity. Did TDY rotation there. Restaurants are open from about 11-2 and then 5 or 6-11. Good Afternoon, I’ve been told that if I choose orders over 179 days (6 months) then I have the option to PCS, and thus will be paid BAH at the duty location rate with no other lodging allowance. We only lived in that house until 7 May. National guard on active duty for training for 123 days. The higher the cost of living, the higher the BAH rates. I’ve had a number of surgeries recently, and at age 74, it seems my time is short. I haven't been stationed at Ramstein, but I can pass along info from friends who have, along with what I've seen from the couple of times I've visited. Hello. I’m in the reserves, but my husband will soon join the Navy as an active duty member. they are usually just supposed to work 1 weekend a month 2 weeks a year. I disagree, I was stationed at Aviano and it was AMAZING. Traffic is horrible and pray you don't get into an accident with a local because no matter what, you will pay some kind of deductible due to their laws. My coworkers said I should be getting some kind of extra pay, but I went to finance to ask and they just shut me down right away. Even TSgts had roommates. For example, in the last few years, several important changes have happened that decreased BAH in multiple locations. Trust me my husband and I always try to be positive and look for the good in everything and I honestly have to say I agree with greg. At what point will I be eligible for BAH and do I really need to have a custody agreement in order to receive BAH even if we are gonna be living together? I am a reservist starting ADOS orders. The medical group was outstanding, the travel was incredible, the local children's hospital saved my son's life. 0 0-Lv 7. When you report to your actual command/base, you have to live in the barracks as well, BUT you can put in a BAH request to move out of the barracks. I have a question about BAH. Service members are entitled to the BAH rates published 1 January or the amount of housing allowance they received on 31 December, whichever is larger. I would say that living in the barracks is definitely, you know, close to living in the college dorms. hello, i leave to BMT next month, i pay my parents rent to help with the mortgage, do i qualify for BAH ??
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