Shes generally a, I have a 35 inch corn snake (3 years old) that has not eaten, My corn snake hasn't eaten much and threw up the one pinky, In her lower abdomen. I last tried to feed him on March 6th with no success. This might be the cause of your ball python not eating. Tonight I was laying down and heard a loud bang again, I have a 35 inch corn snake (3 years old) that has not eaten for a month. One more commonly encountered conditions in snakes is skin infection with mites. When the prey has entered the mouth completely, it moves into the esophagus. In advanced cases, infection progresses to the underlying jaw bones that may appear irregular, bumpy and swollen. Tory Johnson, GMA Workplace Contributor, discusses work-from-home jobs, such as JustAnswer in which verified Experts answer people’s questions. Join Date: May 2008. Hi everyone, ... Alinoee, if your snake quite happily doesn't eat for 5-6 months that does set my mind at ease a bit, I do tend to worry too much with him! he was apparently eating regularly about once a week. The reason for this is not quite clear, it could be because the eggs take up so much room in the snake’s body, it may become hard to digest and process the food. Reptiles do everything slowly – they move slowly, eat slowly, digest slowly and even get sick slowly. Distension means that the snake is enlarged with a ballooning effect. Ball pythons (Python regius) are native to Africa, specifically the central and western regions. He also will refuse to eat and he will try to escape his feeding cage also. He has always eaten and n, why hasnt my corn snake eaten for 4 weeks. It is hard to keep a cage with the right humidity when it has a screen top. I have a 2yr old albino corn snake (female), she hasn't, My new corn snake hasnt eaten in the 3 weeks ive had him. They can be purchased at pet stores, breeders, pet shows, and online. Is The Snake Sick? Like all reptiles, ball pythons have to be kept at specific temperatures to be healthy. Lou has always been fascinated by all types of snakes and reptiles. I wish I could have found it sooner it could have made such a difference in the outcome of my pet's surgery. Snakes infested with mites may soak more often and frequently the tiny parasites can be seen floating in water bowls. The pancreas also creates digestive enzymes. Weak, infested snakes should be treated with anti-parasitic medication by a snake-savvy vet and the snake’s enclosure should be thoroughly disinfected, eliminating all porous elements (like wood) that cannot be completely cleaned. Snakes with these signs also should be seen by a veterinarian as soon as possible for antibiotic treatment and potential surgery to remove infected or dead bone, if necessary. Snakes with sepsis (a bacterial infection in the bloodstream) will often have a pink or reddish hue to the skin along the underside of their bodies. If you buy basking bulbs, make sure that you have both daytime and nighttime (red light) bulbs. Rinse thoroughly and allow the cage to dry before reintroducing your snake. Another problem pet parents commonly encounter with their snakes are shedding issues – typically referred to as dysecdysis. My adult corn snake has not eaten in over 2 months. Before you buy your ball python, make sure that it is already eating before you bring it home. It is nice to know that this service is here for people like myself, who need answers fast and are not sure who to consult. Ball pythons should have a basking area temperature between 88 and 96 degrees Fahrenheit and general temperature of 78 to 80 degrees. (Fennec fox habitat). We have him in a controlled temperature tank with plenty of water but he won't eat and is very lethargic. Help! Ask a Reptile Expert. By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described in our, By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described in our. When your snake is deciding whether to eat a prey item, they must be sure that they can actually swallow it. If you want to learn more about snakes, Lou is definitely the right person to go to. She succeeded, Hi I wondered if someone could help me. Hi,The soak is needed if not eating, so at least every tow to 3 days will be good to do a small soak. Hope all goes well.Joan. Thank you so much!!!! Keep an eye on your snake’s health and make sure that everything is going well for them other than feeding. You can train your snake to eat pre-killed food that is thawed from frozen, but all snakes prefer to eat live food. normally he has a mouse every week and becomes very active around the time of his feed.ive tried feeding him but he wont take the mice and hasnt done for 4 w, We have a two year old male corn snake that we adopted form the original owner. Do not use cedar, sand, peat, or shavings. Hello,My name is ***** ***** I have been a Vet Tech for 30+ years with special interest in Reptiles and Reptile rescue.Has the snake don any soaking during this time?Have you tried alternate feeding source?Has the snake seen a Vet?Have you checked temps?State to locate a Herp Vet?Joan. This muscular organ helps to move the food to the stomach where it can be digested. I liked that I could ask additional questions and get answered in a very short turn around. Thanks. He has always eaten well, hi my son has a corn snake weve had him since dec 06 we were told he was about 18 months then. Young corn snake that won't eat with bulge in lower abdomen. Otherwise he is unusually active but looks healthy. Snakes have been eating for thousands of years, so if your snake isn't eating then something is not quite right - at least in the snake's mind. How do they lay eggs? Snakes also have a patch of cells in their nasal septum called the vomeronasal organ which helps them to detect moisture and odors. I moved her to a new terrarium in a new location in the room and she doesn't move much, just hides. The spectacle is normally shed with the rest of a snake’s skin, but when a snake lives in too dry an environment and becomes dehydrated, both skin and spectacles may be retained. Do Snakes Like To Be Petted? Snakes with these signs also must be examined by a veterinarian who can determine whether treatment is needed. They are meant for catching and holding onto prey. He is drinking and has not lost weight. Finally, another condition seen often in snakes is egg binding (where a female snake is unable to pass an egg that has formed in her reproductive system). I must tell you I found this site by accident and was amazed when I asked a question of the Veteranians online. This is not a good situation since digestive enzymes from the stomach can burn or injure the snake. If you feel that you will not want to keep your pet for 30 to 40 years, you will have to arrange for a new home someday. I think it's dying. ), What do jumping spiders look like? Some snakes like pythons will eat food that is equal to 65 percent of their body weight. The only solution to this is to wait and keep trying, it should not last longer than 2-3 months and for a healthy snake, it will not be affected. She has written and researched many different snakes species and even has her own website on snakes. It is important when a snake has not eating to give it some soaks if not soaking itself. My new corn snake hasnt eaten in the 3 weeks ive had him. Associate Veterinarian at Woodland West Animal Hospital. Posts are for general information, are not intended to substitute for informed professional advice (medical, legal, veterinary, financial, etc. Jumping Spider Care (Are jumping spider good pets? This is important for all pets since you will need to take your snake to the vet occasionally to make sure it is healthy. The site and services are provided "as is" with no warranty or representations by JustAnswer regarding the qualifications of Experts. I couldn't be more satisfied! Can they eat cat and…, Are fennec foxes endangered? Ball pythons are adaptable snakes that can make very good pets. However, with picky eaters, this is often not the case. I have had several snakes that will pounce on anything that was dropped in their cage and kill it within seconds. Tried to give it a soak, but it was not interested and climbed out, seemed to be perked up, crawling around (slowly, but exploring none the less). JustAnswer is not intended or designed for EMERGENCY questions which should be directed immediately by telephone or in-person to qualified professionals. Previous owner of 24/7 emergency, 8 doctor practice. Their hearts, intestines, and livers grow when they eat and their oxygen intake is 60 times what it is when they are not digesting. In my opinion, the most important thing to do while your snake is in this stage is to make sure there is plenty of water in the cage. Weve had our cornsnake 2.5 years and she has always eaten. The problem we have is that he isn't active. They are very sensitive to vibrations. If your ball python will not eat, try offering food every 10 to 12 days. Thank you for all your help. Don’t leave your snake alone with a live prey item, as these animals can injure your snake. How can pet snake owners tell their animals are sick?
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