For the correct working and firing of the torpedo tubes it is necessary to be able to: b. It is shut after a weapon has been discharged, and it then enables the firing and venting system fittings to vent to atmosphere and subsequently to recock. Preserving trim by admitting enough water into the submarine thus compensating for the negative buoyancy of a discharged weapon. A forward leg is secured to the forked lug of the outer tube by a split-pinned pivot pin; and a rear leg is similarly secured to the forked lug of the sleeve. To accommodate the preventer tackle wire, a slot is cut in the shackle eye bracket and must be uppermost when the crosshead is in use. When the pyro is fired the lead pins shear off allowing the pyro to float clear. An indicator pointer is bolted to the inboard end of each stern cap hydraulic ram shaft. less in diameter than the bore, a fiberglass (GRP) sleeve is provided for lining the barrel to allow these smaller diameter stores to be used. This pipe is so bent that its open end is just clear of the bottom of the reservoir. A bulkhead sleeve is welded in the dome bulkhead. Holding the bottom cup with the thumb of one hand to Prevent it slipping out of the can, insert the top end (the end from which the coil spring was removed) into the breech of the the I.C.O. tubes: 1. The second roller is pinned to a bracket welded on the top centreline of the Torpedo Compartment, to guide the pendant clear of the pressure hull frames. The flash from the detonators ignites the primed cambric which in turn ignites the delay fuse in the smoke unit. This top plate is fitted to accept the connecting rod whit is in turn attached to a crosshead and operating shaft. If no further launching is intended, secure the ejector. torpedoes from any tier is similar to that shown in Fig 8C for power-assisted loading, except that an 86-ft. long pendant is used and is not passed around the platform bracket sheave, nor around the winch drum. MK 4, fitted in the ATR and suitable for both RN and USN stores. motor and the underside of the differential valve, so that when the pressure in the chamber is sufficient, the A.I.V. j. inner tube by three dowel pins, about which the claws can rivet. Bowcap Interlock With Hand Firing Lever. Such pipes are not needed for the other four tubes. Nos. To prevent accidental operation of the valve, a feathered safety pin is fitted through quadrant and hand lever. metal spacer separates the base of the bottom cup from the end cap of the outer tube, and a coil spring separates the top cup from the end cap on the opposite end. To power-load a weapon, a tail bar attached to the slipper is connected to its horizontal fins, and the chain is then driven forward until it is fully loaded into the torpedo tube; the tail bar must then be disconnected by hand and be withdrawn by the chain. The two systems, Drain, and Vent Blow, enable the tubes to be flooded, drained, and when speed is essential, to be blown down. When the loading bar is in use and knurled nut is rotated anti-clockwise, OKB Grigorov model kit in scale 1:700, 700043 is a NEW tool released in 200x | Contents, Previews, Reviews, History + Marketplace | Submarine Oberon-class b. h. Top and Middle Tier Portable Trays. 2 MODS 0 AND 1. Before the marker is loaded into the ejector, the guide shoe serves to hold the shunt across the electrical circuits and secures the battery cavity against water entry. It is articulated and easy to handle, but it must be treated with care to protect it from damage or distortion. g. Top and middle Tier Fixed Trays. Connected to a pipe fitted between the barrel and the sleeve with its orifice at the top of the barrel. This switch is electrically identical with the forward type except for the method used to break the switch on firing. against the end of the button; alternatively, the button is released when At the base end of the tube is fitted a hydrostatic fuse similar to that for the marine smoke and illumination signals, Mk. The W.N.R.V.S of tubes 3 and 4 are fitted with drain pipes so that they can drain completely into their tubes during blowing-down. No extra interlocks are fitted to this system because the bow-cap/H.F.V. The air thus by-passes the needle valve and exhaust via the aux. valves can be shut at once. 1 PRECAUTIONS WHEN EMBARKING OR DISEMBARKING. The gunpowder blows the supporting disc fitted in the nozzles of the N6 and N7 yellow and the stick in the N6 yellow out through a thin diaphragm in the nose to allow the smoke and flame, as appropriate to escape. 6 FLOAT SIGNAL SUBMERGED.(F.S.S. After the top stop has been lifted during a firing cycle, L.P. air passes via the aux. A cast-steel dish-shaped cap with a neoprene seal secured to its inside perimeter mates with the top of the barrel and is referred to as the flap valve. valve remains shut. This check must be done after every occasion of embarking weapons. air to the shutting side of the WIV and, by means of a branch pipe supply H.P. If necessary carry out the misfire drill as outlined in the Drill Procedure.
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