Even during a period when … Follow the American Library Association and I Love Libraries, make sure you're using the correct hashtags. The theme for National Library Week (NLW) 2020, “Find your place at the library,” was chosen before the emergence of the global pandemic. borrowing policieshours and locationslibrary boardpoliciesmission and visionservices and collectionsimpact storieswork at the libraryholiday closings, get a library cardresearch a topicbusiness serviceseducators, donations to the Madison Public Library Foundation on Library Giving Day. var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; cookie : true, And, at the library -- it's all free! (function(d, s, id) { Relish in the moving corridors of Hogwarts, walk in the snow in Narnia or skip down memory lane by reading a great novel that makes you reminisce and that can also transport you to another place and time. 2020 Theme from the American Library Association: Find the Library at Your Place. window.fbAsyncInit = function() { Therefore, it’s an obvious good deed. if( ! Interview: The Future of the Library and the Information Professional, Librarians Share Sentiments on COVID-19: From How it Began to Reopening Libraries Once Again, How one librarian's passion for social media has got people using the library and other cultural institutions more creatively, Early Career Librarian Guest Post Series: Open Access Initiatives, Projects, and Software to Watch, Early Career Librarian Guest Post Series: Nothing Comes for Free, Early Career Librarian Guest Post Series: Promoting Open Access in Your Library, Walk This Way: Navigating Content Platform Migrations, Webinar - Social Media for Academic Librarians, Introducing the 2020 Early Career Librarian Guest Post Series, A Librarian’s Perspective: How Open Access has Changed their Role, University Librarian Was Told Not to Work in a Library, Inside Society Archive Collections: A Researcher’s Treasure Trove, Approaching Open Access: One Size Does Not Fit All, Top 10 Trends at the 2019 Charleston Library Conference, Voice AI – Enabling the Transformation From a Quiet Library to Quite a Library, Celebrating National Library Week 2020: Libraries Unite Against COVID-19, interrupting the spread of false information. Explore all the Library services you can access at home. Early Career Librarian Guest Post Series: Approaching Transformative Agreements. Libraries have always offered a sense of community and togetherness to their patrons, and librarians can be pros at fun activities, creative ideas and thinking outside of the box. April 19-25, 2020 is National Library Week, a time to highlight the valuable role libraries, librarians and library workers play in transforming lives and strengthening communities. Holiday survey data is powered by TOP Agency, [fbl_login_button redirect="/email-confirmed/?signup=fb" hide_if_logged="" size="large" type="login_with" show_face="true" onlogin="fbl_loginCheck" scope="email,public_profile" use-continue-as="true" auto-logout-link="false"],
Visit Public Health Madison & Dane County for reliable news and safety recommendations. In Jamaica, National Library Week is held on March 6 to March 12. When in doubt, go to the library. 608-315-5151madtech@madisonpubliclibrary.org, Madison Public Library is an agency of the City of Madison and a member of the South Central Library System, reserve a computercheck your emailrecommend a purchaseouterlibrary loanask a librariancomputing and wirelessreserve meeting roomsemail newsletterscurbside pickup, book discussionsbook salesBubblerfilm showingskid and family eventsteen eventsWisconsin Book Festivalsee the calendar, audiobooksbook club kitsdatabaseseBooksfiction and nonfictiontoo good to missyahara music libraryall special collections, events and classesbooks for every ageeducatorsparents. National Library Week is a time to celebrate the contributions of our nation's libraries and librarians and to promote library use and support. We talk to a librarian who is using social relatively to engage her users and other cultural institutions us, Whether you are brand new to OA or a long-time veteran, here are some important OA initiatives, projects, and software to use as a starting point or a refresher on what is happening in the world of OA. During this crisis, libraries have stepped up to boost morale and promote positivity online. When it comes to implementing OA resources, someone is always paying something. The National Library Week theme this year seems appropriate, urging citizens to “find the library at your place.” Across Killeen ISD, librarians for years have been adapting to engage students in a variety of media and activities from e-books to robotics. In honor of this week, sift through your book collection and revisit the classics. The only thing that you absolutely have to know, is the location of the library. Free tools are already available for you to start planning—stay tuned for more great materials coming soon! Explore all the Library services you can access at home. Fake news has been spreading in the form of incorrect and sometimes dangerous “cures” and treatments, and libraries are providing both veritable sources of COVID-19 information as well as resources to help those who may be impacted by xenophobia. Through concern that people were not reading enough, in 1954 a non-profit book committee was established by the American Library Association (ALA) and the American Book Publishers. © 2013-2020 Our libraries are open for limited public service, including computer use, printing, and curbside pickup of holds, and returns. On April 21 every year, it is also National Library Workers Day. Things like, expecting this week to improve American household incomes and health, and helping to develop strong and happy family lives. By: Todd Martin.

The 2020 National Library Week theme is Find Your Place at the Library. They also provide a public space where all community members, regardless of age, culture or income level, can come together to connect and learn. Of course, times have changed since the millennium, but aren’t the staff always so professional and kind? This special day also recognises the valuable contributions made by these library workers. “Find the library at your place” highlights how libraries are offering virtual services and digital content their communities need now more than ever. The theme for National Library Week, “Find Your Place at the Library” was chosen months ago before the emergence of a global pandemic forced most libraries to temporarily close their buildings. During these challenging times, you may not have plans for National Library Week (April 19-25) or you may be unsure how to get involved this year. Jump to main content. Bookmobile Day and Dream Bus Grand Opening – Wednesday, April 22, April 22 is National Bookmobile Day! Visit our Current Availability of Library Services page for details and news. They reveal the theme around January and offer free promotional tools to promote the week. As we celebrate National Library Week 2020, let’s all take a moment to thank those librarians and library staff members who continue to provide the answers we need when we need them, even when “the location of the library” happens to be online. From Harry Potter and Matilda, to Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones, we’re sure at some point you’ve dashed to the library to borrow your favorite book. Share YOUR Library Story – Friday, April 24. These materials include press releases, ready-made graphics that can be shared on social media and PSA’s. As major online search engines have given way to more advertorial content, libraries have begun to reclaim their reputation as a valuable resource for separating fact from fiction. Panel discussions on Open Access at the 2019 Charleston Library Conference. if( !window.fbl_started) National Library Workers Day is celebrated annually on the Tuesday of National Library Week. National Library Week also occurs during Support Teen Literature Day, School Library Month and National Bookmobile Day. The 2020 National Library Week theme is Find Your Place at the Library.