people’s bucket.” E, 1. Does it affect the texture of the Wonderflex? we can do both by being bucket fillers. Introduce class bucket. Tips please. bucket E2, 2. If you'd like to see a version of this in action, I use a similar technique when weathering my handheld props. instruction. E2, 16. I start off by painting my armor with a base coat of medium silver, then build up coats of darker gray and bronze spray paint by lightly misting passes of spray paint over the surface until I get a nice mottled texture and color. wondering if anyone had made any armor with this technique that will stand up to larp weapons in combat? Keep at home “Bucket Filling Journal” – Record things T, E, 9. being bucket fillers. Lastly, the sides of the armor had D-rings inserted - a piece of leather cord holds these closed. Discuss The first step isn't necessarily tracing. what being responsible and having good character are. For clean holes, a hand punch works best. Picture compliments may be used for younger students/ (Verbal and/or show picture)Ask is this person Don't worry if initially your rust turns purple when clear coated (pic 1) as the clear cures, your color will go back to its more orange hue (pic 2)Pics 3, 4 and 5 show the progression from fresh rust to cleaned with a scotchbrite pad to final clear coat. a class, discuss things that bucket fillers and bucket dippers do. Picture compliments may be used for younger students/ Discuss This Instructable will guide you through the process of creating lightweight and durable armor for costuming using a material called Wonderflex.While 90% of the armor in this tutorial will be comprised of Wonderflex, it's important to know that the best results come from using a myriad of materials. The rather disgusting shirt in pic 1 started life as a custom made and quite handsome piece of linen and leather, sewn for me by my friend Cathy over at God Save the Queen Fashions (Cathy also made the pants, fur parts, and all the leather straps I riveted and snapped into place!) Additionally, when shaping only one layer of Wonderflex, the material will tend to wrinkle along areas where it is stretched into a compound curve. I'm cosplaying Leonardo from TMNT 2012. H, E, E2, 22. It will be difficult to shape the back of the shell. In pic 3 you can see how rough my initial sculpt was. After the parts are shaped to your liking, it's a good idea to put them back on the mannequin and make sure all your seams still line up (pics 7 & 8) Don't worry if things aren't perfectly smooth now, you're just trying to make it so no imperfections or surface variations are deeper than 1/8" or so - we can fill small dents and divots like that in later on in the process. While this gave me a pretty decent base form, the result had small wrinkles and the edges were quite wavy. Add these as you move along when needed, then fill in the resulting gaps with more Wonderflex.Pic 3 has more details added, but you can see the result of gradually shaping the material. T. 1. meaning of good character. Discuss being bucket fillers. Using a sanding sponge for this technique will make sanding along the compound curves easier (pic 15) I also sprayed a small amount of bleach onto some spots for a bit of extra color. Fill For other parts that aren't as wear-intensive such as the shoulder armor and thigh plates, I only used 2 laminated sheets to make the initial blank piece of material for the part. Have students carry around their buckets for the Can I use the techniques described here, with the apoxie sculpt, on worbla? I detail the process of cold casting a little more extensively in my tutorial about how to make a videogame helmet, and you can read more about that here. others buckets with compliment cards and place in that persons bucket. You can more readily see the bleach spots on the leather here as well. I want to make a more minimalist Viking-style leather armor, and am trying to figure out how much a set would cost to make. we can do both by being bucket fillers. responsibility, bucket fillers, bucket dippers. Did you make this project? With your patterns sorted, it's time to transfer them to your Wonderflex. This particular filler has a bit of flex and give to it, which will allow for the fact that Wonderflex isn't completely rigid. You can see this happening at about 2:58 in this video below (it goes by quick!) We'll skip the common stuff that most people will probably have laying about the house: sharpie markers, rulers, a well lit workspace. You can have good character by filling by Carol McCloud, Read Aloud: Have You Filled a Bucket Today? “Responsible member of our school have good character. If you can build elements like these into your patterns, you'll save yourself a lot of frustration when trying to shape the Wonderflex later on. Why is this person being a bucket filler/ dipper? Write/ Wonderflex works best when stretched over or pushed into a mold or form. Here's their list of fillers; the metal I use is the "Iron Powder - grey (325 Mesh)" (pic 2) students fill out three “fill a bucket” cards. E, 5. Heat will distort and damage those shapes you worked so hard on! R, meaning of good character. Ready to get your students so excited about math a, JUST UPDATED! E, 5. Starting with the shin guards, I shaped the basic form over a mannequin leg (pic 2). Turn and talk to a partner “What can you do at school though an exacto knife works well also. You have spray carefully and make sure you get a spray bottle that doesn't jet out or you'll just blast away all the metal powder. on Step 19. Discuss what a compliment is, practice giving a partner a In order to make painting your armor easier, I suggest having or making a PVC painting rack (pic 5). I let the rust cure for 24 hours before I do anything else to it, and initially it will look pretty grisly. This is a certificate to be used by teachers and other staff, to award a student or fellow staff member for being a bucket filler! McCloud and Katherine Martin E, 4. I would like to share you the alice cosplay costume here. I don't have much armor on my upcoming cosplay and I'm still deciding on what material to use, but wonderflex seems like a good medium so far :). I've found that Rustoleum hammered paints are extremely durable and even have a good amount of flex to them, which will prevent cracking in your paint job after you've worn your costume multiple times. This can be immediate, like right before your eyes, but sometimes it can take a few minutes as well. In pics 7 and 8, I'm using the "natural" color, which is my preferred one to work with. For this I filled a bathtub full of ice water (fun!) When heated, the material can flex and stretch into curves, including some basic compound curves as well. R, E, 8. A little scuffing and scraping will make your parts look much more realistic. Have students carry around their buckets for the compliment. If you're after a large compound curve like this, look at large PVC pipe fittings - their gradual curves and high temperature resistance will make them excellent bucks for use with Wonderflex. draw about a time that someone filled your bucket.
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