Typically, a large enterprise(N-Tier) application will have one or more databases to store the data. For these tutorials we'll use ad-hoc SQL statements. If the server supports the same version, it sends a message using that version. Configuration Manager follows this best practice. Once that's been accomplished, this method can be invoked from our presentation layer. So, in short, the Data Layer is a data structure for storing, processing, and passing information about the context it exists in. With the web site created, the next step is to add a reference to the database in Visual Studio's Server Explorer. This will create a new DataTable and TableAdapter and walk you through the wizard we examined earlier in this tutorial. These objects can be used to access a list of all products from code like: This code did not require us to write one bit of data access-specific code. When creating the first method in the TableAdapter you typically want to have the query return those columns that need to be expressed in the corresponding DataTable. Figure 33: Inspect the Auto-Generated Code by Selecting Go To Definition from the Class View. We can accomplish this by creating a query that returns all columns and all rows from the Products table: Figure 8: Enter the SQL Query Into the Textbox (Click to view full-size image). Site Server to WSUS communications if WSUS is configured to use HTTPS. In our DAL we will have methods like: These methods, when invoked, will connect to the database, issue the appropriate query, and return the results. With the ObjectDataSource we'll not have to write any code and will get paging and sorting support as well! Up until now, we've only looked at working with a single TableAdapter for a single database table. --- All messages pushed in a dataLayer will be listed in the extension tab, either when a page loads, through an event or when data is manually pushed. If you use a different SQL Server version of the Northwind database, you will need to update the NORTHWNDConnectionString setting in the application's Web.config file. Any connections to internet-based services. As web developers, our lives revolve around working with data. Instead, the TableAdapter provides the low-level data access code for us. At the end of the wizard we'll give a method name to this query. This tutorial series was reviewed by many helpful reviewers. Examples of these roles include distribution points, software update points, and management points. Keep in mind, however, that Access databases aren't as feature-rich as SQL Server, and aren't designed to be used in web site scenarios. Additionally, if you've been following along, you've already added the ProductsTableAdapter class's GetProducts() and GetProductsByCategoryID(categoryID) methods. On establishing a connection, the client sends a message to the server with its highest available protocol. To return strongly-typed objects, developers can either create their own custom business objects or use Typed DataSets. Figure 26: Augment the Query to Return the SCOPE_IDENTITY() Value (Click to view full-size image). A strongly-typed DataTable, on the other hand, will have each of its columns implemented as properties, resulting in code that looks like: DataTable.Rows[index].columnName. To add such functionality to our Data Access Layer we can add parameterized methods to the TableAdapter. This may take the form of writing ADO.NET code in the ASP.NET page's code portion or using the SqlDataSource control from the markup portion. If you don't want to use any of the SQL Server options, you can always download a Microsoft Access version of the Northwind database file and drop into the App_Data directory. If the snippet is placed after the GTM container code, Data Layer’s data won’t be fetched by Google Tag Manager. A business object is implemented by the developer as a class whose properties typically reflect the columns of the underlying database table the business object represents. When building a web application creating the DAL should be one of your first steps, occurring before you start creating your presentation layer. For the Fill pattern, let's change the name to FillByCategoryID and for the return a DataTable return pattern (the GetX methods), let's use GetProductsByCategoryID. However, we want the InsertProduct method to return the value returned by the query, not the number of rows affected. In either case, this approach tightly couples the data access logic with the presentation layer. By adding a database to the Server Explorer you can add tables, stored procedures, views, and so on all from within Visual Studio. Specifically, the TableAdapter contains an Update() method that can be passed the Typed DataSet, a strongly-typed DataTable, or one or more DataRows. Alternatively, you may connect to a Northwind database installed on a database server. This enables us to add our own methods, properties, and events to the auto-generated classes without having to worry about Visual Studio overwriting our customizations. This will create a new web site with a Default.aspx ASP.NET page and an App_Data folder. Refer to Brian Noyes's article, Build a Data Access Layer with the Visual Studio 2005 DataSet Designer for an example of using stored procedures. Complete the wizard by clicking Finish. This is the first tutorial in a lengthy series that will explore techniques for implementing these common patterns in ASP.NET 2.0. To add a new method to the DAL, return to the DataSet Designer, right-click in the ProductsTableAdapter section, and choose Add Query. Then, adjust the SELECT clause so that it looks like: Figure 29: Update the SELECT Statement for the GetProducts() Method (Click to view full-size image). This schema information is translated into C# or Visual Basic code at design time when compiled or at runtime (if needed), at which point you can step through it with the debugger. Make sure that you end the INSERT statement with a semi-colon before adding the SELECT statement. A Typed DataSet can contain multiple, related DataTables. Applications that use WinHTTP for HTTPS communications, like the Configuration Manager client, depend on the operating system version, patch level and configuration for protocol version support. Alternatively, use the Query Builder and graphically construct the query, as shown in Figure 9. Each object used in this example is also strongly-typed, allowing Visual Studio to provide IntelliSense and compile-time type checking. We've got a lot to cover in this first tutorial, so fire up Visual Studio and let's get started! These articles describe steps required to ensure that Configuration Manager secure communication uses the TLS 1.2 protocol. Generally, the following items can determine which protocol version is used: Update Windows and WinHTTP on Windows 8.0, Windows Server 2012 (non-R2) and earlier, Ensure that TLS 1.2 is enabled as a protocol for SChannel at the operating system level, Update and configure the .NET Framework to support TLS 1.2, Update SQL Server and the SQL Server Native Client, Update Windows Server Update Services (WSUS), Update SQL Server and its client components, Update Windows to support TLS 1.2 for client-server communications by using WinHTTP, update Windows to support TLS 1.2 for client-server communications by using WinHTTP, Establishing a Secure Session by using TLS, Cryptographic controls technical reference, Transport layer security (TLS) best practices with the .NET Framework, KB 3135244: TLS 1.2 support for Microsoft SQL Server, Site servers (central, primary, or secondary), Configuration Manager client with HTTPS site system roles. You can view this schema information by right-clicking on the Northwind.xsd file in the Solution Explorer and choosing View Code. You don’t have to add anything more. However, if you want some more custom data, like userID, Product price, Order total, etc. You can expand the database node to explore its tables, views, stored procedures, and so on. The following code shows this new InsertProduct method in action: Note that the ProductsTableAdapters class returns the CategoryID and SupplierID values from the Products table, but doesn't include the CategoryName column from the Categories table or the CompanyName column from the Suppliers table, although these are likely the columns we want to display when showing product information.
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