Search the Hardin County, Tennessee Website. New York: Sears, 1927. As we marched down the main, street toward the river we could hear on every side the groans of the suffering. They had no children. This is ungallant but necessary. Hood of Ohio, and Mrs. Turner, state unknown, were on nearby transports also at the landing. Anxiety, fear and sorrow were depicted on their faces. Reprint ed. New York: Blelock, 1865. Worthington, Thomas. and then fell on her knees with her arms over the little mound of earth.” The father of Fletcher Ebey just wanted to see the location where his son was killed. “The Diary of Colonel William Camm, 1861 to 1865.” Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society 18 (Jan. 1926): 793-969. Three groups of civilians saw the war from the closest possible perspective—the people of Savannah, the people of the Pittsburg Landing area, and the northern citizens who either accompanied the transports south, or who came to aid the wounded immediately after the battle of Shiloh. Had another read of "A Revelation of War" by Vicki Betts (presented as part of WI16thJim's original post) and was struck by: The words in bold were a surprise to me (because I was of the assumption that Conscription in the South did not occur until passage of the Conscription Act of April 16, 1862.) . Unfortunately, Thomas Worthington indicates that he misplaced the reports for Company C and Company E, so the identity of perhaps ten to fifteen additional men may never be known. By the first of May, the bulk of the federal army was inching its way to Corinth, and presumably the residents of the 15th Civil District, Hardin County were free to return to their farms, or what was left of them. That same day, the Tyler, Lexington, and Connestoga captured the partially completed gunboat Eastport at Cerro Gordo on the northern edge of the county, then caches of citizens’ guns at Coffee Landing and Savannah the following day. Later in the day, the rumble changed to ‘boom – boom – boom’. He mentions that the sutlers were already set up and selling their wares. After all, there is some justification for the intense hatred the Butternuts seem to have against trading Yankees.”. Wisconsin Women in the War Between the States. Roseville, MN: Edinborough Press, 1998. Chattanooga: Kitchen Table Press, 1986. All dealings with the Federal army in Savannah were not so congenial. Mrs. As we came away he brought a wild ground willow pulled out of the blood of his son to carry home to plant.” The vast majority of Confederate family members were unable to come to the battlefield, since it remained in Federal hands. Dayton, Ohio: Morningside Press, 1988. Some of the many sick were in makeshift hospitals at Savanna prior to battle. He dressed and went down for breakfast, but had not even tasted his coffee when he was informed of heavy gunfire upriver. They had sons, brother, husbands and fathers in the Confederate ranks. . Among the nurses in town was Mother Bickerdyke, helping to clean and bandage wounds, and cooking for the troops. The Story of a Common Soldier of Army Life in the Civil War, 1861-1865. There should definitely have been enough time to get them uniforms before the battle. Life & Letters of General W. H. L. Wallace. What are synonyms for Shiloh, Hardin County, Tennessee? When the Federal transports had steamed up the Tennessee River, a number of Northern civilians were aboard. Boston: Ticknor and Co., 1888. Theoretical political divisions between friends became matters of life and death, homes were disrupted throughout the county, and nothing would ever be the same again. Chicago: H. S. Mills & Co., 1893. A peevish Sherman chose to "put Worthington in his place" -- when the 40th Illinois under Colonel Hicks actually arrived first at Savannah, on March 7th -- and ignored the fact that the early arrival of Federal troops at Savannah prevented as many as one thousand men gathered there from being "pressed into Confederate service." His recollection of his thoughts on this advice from "...the little fool" is classic "Bitter Bierce". . But the noise went on. “The blood still showed on the ground. She was a talented vocalist and often sang patriotic songs at GAR gatherings (when I find it I'll post a picture of her at a GAR reunion in about 1890 - the only woman in the group picture). March 10 telegram from Grant to Halleck "Tomorrow is the day all men of military age in Tennessee are to be enrolled in the Rebel army, by order of Governor Harris. . Governor Louis Powell of Wisconsin and Governor Richard Yates of Illinois both traveled to Savannah, where Governor Powell accidentally fell into the river and drowned. Chances are that most evacuated to area family or friends, although no one is sure when that happened—whether at the first firing of a Federal gunboat or when the first troops came onshore to stay. Ann took comfort in the fact that he did regain consciousness enough to know that she was with him, and that he died with family around him. Daily Tribune, April 9, 1862-April 12, 1862; April 14, 1862-April 19, 1862; April 21, 1862-April 22, 1862; April 24, 1862; April 26, 1862; April 28, 1862; April 30, 1862-May 1, 1862; May 5, 1862-May 6, 1862; May 9, 1862-May 10, 1862; May 12, 1862-May 13, 1862; May 15, 1862; May 17, 1862; May 19, 1862; May 21, 1862; May 24, 1862; May 27, 1862-May 28, 1862; May 31, 1862; June 7, 1862; June 11, 1862. . “The Battle of Shiloh Remembered: Memories of Caldonia Banks.” Hardin County Historical Society Quarterly 4 (April-June 1986): 5. When Tennessee’s referendum on secession came in 1861, Hardin County voted to remain with the Union. But the Official Roster of Soldiers of the State of Ohio (vol.4 -- 46th Ohio) pages 355-388, does not list any recruits taken on at Savannah. Afterwards, all surplus clothing, arms and stores were to be sent to Cairo." Worthington's Brief History of 46th Ohio, artcirclelibrary see pages 7, 15-16. “History of Cherry Mansion.” Savannah, Tenn.: Team Hardin County, Inc. Tourism Committee, n. d. Holland, Mary Gardner. Cincinnati: Peak Brothers, 1902. Shiloh Military Park occupies this site. Cairo [ill.} City Weekly News, April 3, 1862, p. 1, c. 3. Brockett, L. P. and Mary C. Vaughan. Also, security was so relaxed in this ostensibly loyal home that Annie’s brother James, the brothers of Cherry’s first wife, and some of the Hardin boys, all in the Confederate army, would sneak into the basement at night and listen to Federal staff meetings in the dining room above! We tore our aprons in little squares, filled them, with grass and leaves and stopped some gaping wounds that were bleeding. By Monday, Federal food supplies were running low, and sickness began to spread aboard the transports. My Story of the War: A Woman’s Narrative of Four Years Personal Experience . Dubuque [iowa] Herald, April 16, 1862; May 1, 1862; May 25, 1862. Major John H. Brinton, surgeon, fought army red tape continually for proper food (particularly fresh meat), medicines, and medical supplies. (This research gives me greater appreciation for the presence of women at Pittsburg Landing prior to the April 6th Battle, and afterwards: an important facet of the whole story neglected by most school texts. Hardin, John Michael. Hardin County is located in southern West Tennessee. From Forest to Farm: Hardin County History to 1860. Thanks for introducing the story of Mrs. Reynolds, References: Belle Reynold's article at Civil War Women, Belle Reynold's obituary at rootsweb, Sketch of Major Belle Reynolds (scroll down). San Francisco Call newspaper of May 22nd 1898 featuring Major Belle Reynolds through words and sketches. Both died in California. The gunboats opened fire, driving the Confederates from the edge of the bluff. I inquired what brought so many of this class together, and was told they came there to hold a prayer-meeting, but that they had to give it up, as.
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