tag, Google specifically mention to insert the code immediately after the opening tag, which mean inside the . var priceDisplayPrecision = {$priceDisplayPrecision*$currency->decimals}; var priceDisplayMethod = {$priceDisplay}; {foreach from=$css_files key=css_uri item=media}, , , , , , , ,
20 Oct

google tag manager add script to head

What natural force would prevent dragons from burning all the forests in the world? What if the two Black Holes spiraling around each other are evaporating via their Hawking radiation? GTM loads asynchronously - any tag you fire through it will be executed after scripts that are in , even if you try to programmatically place the element. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and What am I doing wrong here? Why is the p.adjusted() output multipled instead of halved? I am trying to do it by using 'Custom HTML tag' in GTM. Hedera Copyright PrestaShop - Legal Notice - Terms of Use Since you can not control that i ll be load on the header you might want to do it as soon as possible. You can add the script in different place for the whole application or all applications. only correct placement of GTM tag is right after tag. What version of magento/php are you running (2.0.x), so that I can fix the module? Has anybody come up with a solution to this matter yet? Magento 2: Adding Arbitrary HTML to the of Every Page? I am stumbling in exactly the same way as your first post. You can not use the labels on the HTML Tag. I am trying to do it by using 'Custom HTML tag' in GTM. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and //www.google.com/tools/feedback/metric/report. You can use the default.xml file to load the above files. If you are trying to achieve conversion tracking then that module will definitely help you but if you want to achieve more like implementing Facebook Dynamic Remarketing or Adwords Dynamic Remarketing or any other tracking which requires different events on different pages then you need to use the module which comes up with data layers which can support your implementation. My other question is how to add the second HTML