It has now been 3 weeks since then and he won't even touch a medium white never mind a large or jumbo. How long are snakes pregnant and how long for the eggs to hatch in general? Do you think he has hurt his insides or, as my husband thinks, may he be a bit ‘depressed’ having not been out for a while? There’s also a chance the snake injured itself while it was on the loose. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. the cage temp hasn’t changed, he’s moving around and everything. There are many corn snake keepers there who will be happy to help you. Paul: Can you describe the cage setup? We again tried a thawed mouse tonight for about 2.5 hours, no interest. My tomato stays in same place and doesn't move!? It's not uncommon for them to go a couple months without eating anything during mating season. Posted - 05/03/2010 : 02:19:33 . We changed his substrate 1 month ago from wood shavings to “Forest Bark.” He has a bowl of water in there at all times. Plastic Reptiles Cages – Brandon’s Cage Picks, My 8 year old son has a 2.5 year old 3′ corn snake. could the tests be wrong and it could be a boy snake? My 4 year old snake has not been eating but is moving all around the cage. But I never saw an infection and I dont know what to expect. When I took him out today to try yet again, he was much warmer, but hasn’t struck at the mouse but merely watch, and smell it scurry around the bucket with him. The people at this site should be able to help you: That’s crazy to think they can go months without eating anything. He looks healthy, and is very very active, normally he just sits under his log and doesn't move, now he won't stop and is constantly trying to get out of his tank, day and night, and seems very edgey and almost nervous!! He has been hiding for about 2 months and to my sons delight he found him 16/8/09. HOW SHOULD YOU PREPARE YOURSELVES AS BUSINESS COMMUNICATORS? Why is my corn snake soaking in his water bowl lately? I would try to have the snake tested for infection, resulting from the rodent bite. Ok, thanks for the insight! Your email address will not be published. They tend to go off food for breeding (in the UK anyway) kinda end March/April time then start up again. If it’s too cool or too warm, the snake won’t eat. Normally, a healthy corn snake will eat on a regular basis. I’m getting ready to launch some Q&A forums on that website too, which will make it even easier to post questions. We have tried on multiple occasions to feed him. Often, there is something wrong with the environment that prevents the corn snake from eating. I have an 8 year old corn snake who has been refusing to eat his food for maybe 3, 3.5 weeks at this point. The previous owner felt she was not able to pay enough attention, and wanted someone to take him who would be more interactive. I hope this gives you some direction. Hi Brandon, I have a question about this. Can I use aspen shavings as a ball python substrate / bedding? I let that mouse go in the local golf course and decided to wait another week to see if he was hungry this Thursday. We have been told there may be a Vet who does exotic pets that is w/in an hour or so. ? We tried one live mouse. Click the link below and scroll down to where it says “FAQ from Kathy Love on Regurgitation Treatment” followed by the words “This is very important.” That’s how she suggests dealing with the problem. The symptoms you describe could be from a number of issues, including constipation / fecal impaction and other problems. He's the author of the ball python care guide as well as the horror-thriller novel Purgatory. Corn snakes need to be warm in order to be able to digest their meal properly. Answer Save. He's always eaten small thawed mice. ): Hi Ashley. It’s also important to have some hiding spots in the cage, ideally one at both ends of the cage. he is active, drinking, shed about 3wks ago. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. I believe that corn snakes reach maturity at about 3 years. Navy SEAL in charge of bin Laden raid endorses Biden, 50 Cent appears to endorse Trump over Biden, 'Secret weapon' gives GOP hope for Election Day, ESPN host receives support after sharing hate message, Rush Limbaugh says cancer going in 'wrong direction', The New Yorker suspends Toobin after Zoom incident, SSC Tuatara smashes speed record, hits 331 mph, Cuomo to Trump: 'All I wanted was for you to get well', Why kids of top Trump aides denounced their parents, Panel releases new rules for 3rd presidential debate, David Letterman admits he 'misjudged' Kim Kardashian. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. the last few nights he has been striking at the cage? I’m just troubleshooting out loud here. What temperatures are you keeping inside the cage? It is still available online. I have an 8 year old corn snake who has been refusing to eat his food for maybe 3, 3.5 weeks at this point. I've heard that snakes can go on springtime hunger strikes when they're looking for a mate, is this normal? Just a thought. My female carolina corn snake has just gone of her food. Hi all, any advice would be appreciated. Could it be possible that the snake is looking for a mate. He just wont eat unless I force him eggs and protein. snakes can go a looong time with out food so don't worry! Good luck! Please send your tips and or knowledge. How to Tame Down Aggressive Brazilian Rainbow Boa. What is the difference between a venomous snake and a poisonous snake? What are the temperatures like on both ends of the cage, at ground level? Im pretty sure the teeth didnt penetrate the whole skin but rather she finished opening the cut by swallowing it. If it stays on the warm side to “hug the heat,” you might want to bump it up a few degrees. You may have the temps wrong or the cage maybe to large.
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