The obstruction which he encountered alarmed him, and he compromised by adopting a mixed system of both English and Italian, pan: passu, as the basis of Maltese education; he resigned after a brief effort. Cade looked up at Cynthia, his expression alarmed. The success of the military revolution at Naples seriously alarmed the powers of the Holy Alliance, who feared that it might spread to other Italian states and so lead to that general European conflagration which it was their main preoccupation to avoid (see Europe: History). 127. If you've been feeding your pet Nutro dog food, then the recent recalls may have you feeling a bit alarmed. The human race is interested in these experiments, though a few old women who are incapacitated for them, or who own their thirds in mills, may be alarmed. When the darkness came, they too began to be alarmed. The threatening situation in the Carolinas alarmed Congress and Washington and measures were taken to protect the distressed section.
140. I kept thinking I could hear an alarm clock.
A class like this is designed to expose and, hopefully, desensitize a dog to a variety of people and situations in order to teach them that there's nothing to be alarmed about. A similar judgment may be passed upon those Paulician, Albigensian, Paterine and Epicurean dissenters from the Catholic creed who opposed the phalanxes of orthodoxy with frail imaginative weapons, and alarmed established orders in the state by the audacity of their communistic opinions. In the beginning of 1859 diplomatists were alarmed at the~ language addressed by the emperor of the French to the Austrian ambassador at Paris, which seemed to breathe, the menace of a rupture.
Ahaz, king of Judah, alarmed at the preparations made against him by the Syro-Ephraimitish alliance, was inclined to seek aid from Tiglath-pileser of Assyria, the prophet Isaiah endeavoured to allay his fear by telling him that the danger would pass away, and as a sign from Yahweh that this should be so, any young woman who should within the year bear a son, might call his name Immanuel in token of the divine protection accorded to Judah.
Brunswick had no heart for his work; the king was ill satisfied with the Austrians, and both were alarmed by the ravages of disease among the soldiers. He lingered at Avignon; but the French, compelled to hard measures by the English, refused to be satisfied; and Pope Benedict XIV., alarmed by the threat of a bombardment of Civita Vecchia, advised the prince to withdraw. As he rose to answer it, he couldn't help noticing Edith Shipton's alarmed reaction to the ring.
Alarmed by the sound of the sirens, the woman was afraid that her daughter had been involved in an accident.
In consequence, a divorce began to be talked of at court; and it seemed not impossible that Francis, alarmed at the possible extinction of the royal house, might listen to such a proposal. His dress, the simplicity of his external appearance, the friendly meekness of the old man, and the apparent humility of the Quaker, procured for Freedom a mass of votaries among the court circles who used to be alarmed at its coarseness and unsophisticated truths. The fear lest Sigismund might re-catholicize the land alarmed the Protestant majority in Sweden, and Charles came forward as their champion, and also as the defender of the Vasa dynasty against foreign interference. Alarm sentence examples. We could not see what had alarmed him. John became alarmed, and the intendant of police in Lisbon, D. But the popes, thoroughly irritated and alarmed, and hopeless of aid from the East, turned to the family which was rising into power among the Franks of the West, the mayors of the palace of Austrasia.
Experience has also proved that, when alarmed, bees instinctively begin to fill their honey-sacs with food from the nearest store-cells as a safeguard against contingencies, and when so provided they are more amenable to interference. Alarmed: Set all the alarms in your house to go off at random times during the day, and night, and hide them all in strange places, like the fridge, bathroom, or closet.
Brady asked, alarmed by the grimness of Dan's voice. Its most extraordinary feature consisted in the provision for lodging the executive authority in the hands of a president for life, without responsibility and with power to nominate his successor, a proposal which alarmed the friends of liberty, and excited lively apprehensions amongst the republicans of Buenos Aires and Chile; whilst in Peru, Bolivar was accused of a design to unite into one state Colombia, Peru and Bolivia, and to render himself perpetual dictator of the confederacy. He therefore requested Locke, who was then going to Holland, to get it translated into French, and published on the continent. He felt guilty and alarmed. 44. 27 1917) this action was continued as opposed to the policy of the leading Baits (Sievers, Oettingen, Baron Pilar, Stryck), who were alarmed by the Bolshevik upheaval, the congress of the landless workers at Wolmar (Dec. 16-19 1917), the outrages of the Russian soldiery, the impotence of the more moderate Letts, the universal anti-German feeling, the danger to life and property, and obtained the occupation of the whole region up to Narva by German troops, thus aiding and abetting the Germans in their plans of domination. Alarmed sentence examples. This brought the majority of the crew onto the main deck, many armed, all alarmed. Afterwards, feeling alarmed, according to his own accounts, he admonished Catesby against intending the death of " not only innocents but friends and necessary persons for a commonwealth," and showed him a letter from the pope forbidding rebellion. In order to avenge himself upon Chauvelin he sacrificed him to the cabinets of Vienna and London, alarmed at seeing him revive the national tradition in Italy.
Richard's puzzled look alarmed me. The effect of this pronouncement was great, and it alarmed the Afrikanders, who at this time viewed with apprehension the virtual resumption by Cecil Rhodes of his leadership of the Progressive (British) party at the Cape. Alarmed, she swung on her robe and snatched one of Damian's trench coats. In 1951 however, a group of railway enthusiasts, Those few ministers with the good sense to doubt the certitudes of Portilloism, and still maintain some contact with reality, may even have been, The murder of a woman who was not a prostitute again, Value Series panic and fire exit hardware from Detex Corporation of New Braunfels, Texas, features, And the surge of Valley violence at the hands of young and old gang members has, We remembered p. 20that we were among Wahhabi fanatics, and we began to be very much, Then, indeed, she had burst upon him with an impetuous despair that had, And into his thoughts now crept a doubt, one that, There came no response, and after some moments, becoming, His vanity, coxcombry and folly, displeased the King, and, The tailor looked on for some time with admiration, but at last he grew, Other B-class guards were coming, scooting across the floor, alert and, Fred Godfrey was almost in sight of his home, when he was both pleased and, The fire station would be too public and the little girl would be too greatly, The gasolier trembled, the floor throbbed, the little goblin dwelling pulsated as if it were, If a cannon had been fired close to her ear, or a shopful of glass had been broken, she could not have been more, At the first sternutation the rats jumped up and looked about them, evidently considerably, Been all the same if that there jangler had, So, when Alan heard from Kirsten that Ynys had sailed westward, he was in no way, The Tarasco population was now thoroughly, There is no need for the British taxpayer to be, He was convinced by what she told him that both Lloyd and her mother were unduly, The tunny, coming in contact with this net, become, It is not to be wondered at that both Cretans and Turks were a little, She began anew to unpin her hair, when a second time the same noise in the passage, He dashed about the cage like a thing demented, and so, He received at omagh, early on the sixteenth of April, letters which, And this passiveness was so unusual with her that it, The simile hit the mark so nicely that the, One night two ladies who were alone in their cabin, were, A poacher had observed the occurrence and, This morning I have with my own hand placed the poppy seed in the cage, and he is not the least, The reedbuck's distinguishing characteristic is a sharp whistle, which he sounds shrilly when, The church and the nation, however, were strongly Protestant and were soon, Civic bred and nurtured as they were, the recurrence of these sensations perplexed and, The Indians had spies out viewing our movements, and were greatly, Any drunken brawler trying to make his way into the house, would have, His mother, Mrs. Goddard of Madison Square, was not needlessly, The faces seemed to have but one smile, conscious, sly, a little, But Minora was not to be appeased, and muttered something about seeing no fun in foolhardiness, which shows how, In such cases one horse frightens another, until all are.
But we were not alarmed. How to use alarmed in a sentence Looking for sentences and phrases with the word alarmed? The conservative instincts of the Vatican were alarmed by the lawless state of Ireland, and an eminent ecclesiastic, Monsignor Persico, arrived in the late summer on a special commission of inquiry. As Bothwell had become a Catholic, they excommunicated him in 1595: in 1596 James resolved to recall the exiled Catholic peers; the commissioners of the General Assembly, alarmed and infuriated, met in Edinburgh, ordered a day of humiliation, decided to excommunicate the Catholic earls and established a kind of revolutionary committee of public safety. When Monge announced the intention of attacking Great Britain on behalf of the English republicans, the British government and nation were thoroughly alarmed and roused; and when the news of the execution of Louis XVI. Perhaps they were more alarmed by the prospect of black rule. "Wow. His influence over these ladies alarmed their relatives and excited the suspicions of the regular priesthood and of the populace, but while Pope Damasus lived Jerome remained secure. (whose election alarmed the Jesuits, for they had not found him very friendly as cardinal) was for a time managed with supreme tact by Ignatius, whom he respected personally.
William of Orange, Egmont, and Hoorn were alarmed at the violent passions that had been aroused, and held aloof at first from Brederode and his companions. The pope had become alarmed when the emperor brought about a marriage between the heiress of Sardinia, Adelasia, and his natural son Enzio, who afterwards assumed the title of king of Sardinia.
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