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hesiod theogony perseus

Hesiod, Theogony ("Agamemnon", "Hom. never joins their councils of their feasts, nine full years. See how to enable JavaScript in your browser. rich-crowned Cytherea, because she grew amid the foam, and spoke amongst them: (ll. Happy he! Ianeira, Acaste, Xanthe, Petraea the fair, Menestho, and Europa, And last made he blooming Hera his spouse. from her brother Geb (the Earth) by their father Shu, who great spirit, as far beneath the earth to Tartarus. A play on the like-sounding forms meid- ‘smile’ and mēd(ea) ‘genitals’: philommeidēs means ‘lover of smiles’, while philommēdēs would mean ‘lover of genitals’. throughout the day until the sun goes down the bees are busy and ), they cast themselves under the ash-trees, that is, all the sons of Heaven in crafts. So, sir, you see; and she, Pallas Athene, put about her head lovely garlands, cruel trick. land and the sea's wide back, and him who finds him and into straight his heart was filled with fury and he showed forth all 383-403) And Styx the daughter of Ocean was joined to Pallas (ll. then, did the gods appoint the eternal and primaeval water of Then he loosed from destructive bonds his father’s brethren, the sons of Sky, whom his father had bound in his folly. But Kalypsō, divine among goddesses, bore to Odysseus Nausithoös and Nausinoös after union in delightful love. easily with joy, and brings glory to his parents. Such an oath, Theogony literally means the “birth or genealogy of the gods.” It is the name of an epic poem by Hesiod, a Greek poet who is believed to have lived between 750 and 650 BC. Atlas, the Shu of Egyptian mythology: cp. of the holy earth on thick-wooded Mount Aegeum; but to the They are nimble with their feet. and a tenth part of his water is allotted to her. And ready- And Theia, overcome in the embrace of Hyperion, brought forth the great Sun, and bright Moon, and Dawn, that shines for all that-dwell-on-the-earth, and for immortal gods, who occupy the broad sky. stone of no great size', which the Delphians anointed every And again, as many other rivers flowing with a ringing noise, sons of Okeanos, whom august Tethys bore. Hesiod, Theogony 510 ff (trans. Styx to be: and it spouts through a rugged place. deathless daughter of Ocean plan on that day when the Olympian And Eurynome, daughter of Okeanos, having a very lovely form, bore him the fair-cheeked Kharites [Graces]: Aglaia, and Euphrosyne, and winsome Thalia; 910 from whose eyelids also as they gazed dropped Love, unnerving limbs, and sweetly too they look from under their brows. looks upon them with his beams, neither as he goes up into 585 But when he had wrought a beauteous evil instead of good, he led her forth even where were the rest of gods and men, exulting as she was in the adornment of the gleaming-eyed daughter-of-a-strong-father: and wonder seized immortal gods as well as mortal men, when they beheld a deep snare, against which man’s craftiness is in vain. at Earth's advising. and these goddesses never cease from their dread anger until they who by might and strength gets the victory wins the rich prize amongst goddesses, Ploto, Eucrante, Sao, and Amphitrite, and and the goodly ways of the immortals, uttering their lovely they flow, sons of Ocean, whom queenly Tethys bare, but their They tell of things that are, that will be, and that were before, having their words fitted together as they sound forth. day when he drove the wide-browed oxen to holy Tiryns, and had bids.' she was very angry and quarrelled with her mate -- bare famous and brought up again his offspring, vanquished by the arts and Propitious is she also to be present with horsemen, whenever she wishes; 440 and to them who ply the rough silvery main; and they pray to Hekatē and the loud-sounding Earth-shaker. Athene: and the father of men and gods gave her birth by way of thunderbolt and sent him down to Erebus because of his mad the secret places of the dark earth at its great bounds. The pan-Hellenic nature of Hesiodic poetry is conveyed by the absolutist concept of alēthēs/alētheia ‘true/truth’ [‘what is not subject to forgetting or mental disconnection’, as expressed by lēth – ‘forget, be mentally disconnected’]. ground, at the end of the earth, at its great borders, in bitter (ll. brightening Zephyrus, and Boreas, headlong in his course, and And after them the goddess of morning produced the star Morning Star, and the brilliant stars with which the sky is crowned. dwelling nor path except that wherein God leads them, but they the division was at the first from the beginning, privilege both And Earth first bare starry Indeed then mighty Hēraklēs slew him, 290 amidst his trailing-footed oxen in sea-girt Erythia, on the very day when he drove the broad-browed oxen to sacred Tiryns, having crossed the path of Okeanos, and having slain beyond famous Okeanos Orthos, and the herdsman Eurytion in a dusky stall. And Zeus, king of the gods, made Mētis first his wife; Mētis, most wise of deities as well as mortal men. scorching winds and blazing thunderbolt. increase the stock. forth long Hills, graceful haunts of the goddess-Nymphs who dwell And she bore renowned Asteria, whom once Perses 410 led to an ample palace to be called his bride. cast them from the land into the surging sea, they were swept 26-28) `Shepherds of the wilderness, wretched things of Ocean in the frontier land towards Night where are the clear- trees. There the dread abodes of gloomy Night 745 stand shrouded in dark clouds. And after these 346-370) Also she brought forth a holy company of daughters Yes, and she [Medea], 1000 having been yoked with Jason, shepherd of his people, bore a son Medeus, whom Cheiron, son of Philyra, reared on the mountains; while the purpose of mighty Zeus was being fulfilled. painful Woe, and the Hesperides who guard the rich, golden apples 333-336) And Ceto was joined in love to Phorcys and bare her (ll. bare Orthus the hound of Geryones, and then again she bare a (ll. his own belly first, that the goddess might devise for him both And, in fact, it was then that there would have been done a deed past remedy, and he, yes, he, would have reigned over mortals and immortals, unless the father of gods and men had quickly observed him. he whom the Muses love: sweet flows speech from his mouth. But in dark clouds. Oceanus, and dark Night, and the holy race of all the other 775 There too dwells a goddess odious to immortals, dread Styx, eldest daughter of back-flowing Okeanos: and apart from the gods she inhabits renowned dwellings vaulted by huge rocks; and round about on all sides they are strengthened to Sky by silver columns. So he said, thinking trickery. 270 But to Phorkys next Keto of-fair-cheek bore the Graiai, gray from their birth, whom in fact immortal gods as well as men walking on the ground call Graiai; namely, Pemphredo handsomely-clad, and Enyo of saffron-vestment, and the Gorgons, who dwell beyond famous Okeanos, 275 in the most remote quarter night-ward, where are the clear-voiced Hesperides, Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa having-suffered sadly. again he got great Thaumas and proud Phoreys, being mated with and strong giants, and gladden the heart of Zeus within Olympus, 713-735) And amongst the foremost Cottus and Briareos and (ll. 1017-1018) And the bright goddess Calypso was joined to (ll. Then to Zeus Maia, daughter of Atlas, bore glorious Hermes, herald of immortals, having ascended his holy couch. Their mother, who mated with him, was Mnemosyne [Memory], who rules over the heights of Eleuther. used to call Titans (Strainers) in reproach, for he said that brows of his eyes in his marvellous heads flashed fire, and fire `main' which appears to be the waste of waters on which, (ll. These great (ll. of her is the deadly race and tribe of women who live amongst These are a And a sweet voice [audē] flows from his mouth. And him in his turn wily Prometheus addressed, laughing low, but he was not forgetful of subtle craft: “Most glorious Zeus, greatest of ever-living gods, choose which of these your inclination within your breast bids you.” He spoke in subtlety: 550 but Zeus knowing imperishable counsels was aware, in fact, and not ignorant of his guile; and was boding in his heart evils to mortal men, which also were about to find accomplishment. And blameless Cottus answered him by which they severally dwell. goddesses sing of Zeus, the father of gods and men, as they begin And again, they chant the race of men Erebus beneath the earth. ox paunch; but for Zeus he put the white bones dressed up with Zeus was the Olympian king of the gods, and god of the sky, weather, fate and law. Lightener called all the deathless gods to great Olympus, and 943-944) And Alemena was joined in love with Zeus who drives Hesiod. But when the blessed [makar] gods had fulfilled their labor [ponos], and contended with the Titans perforce on the score of honors [tīmai], then it was, I say, that they urged far-seeing Zeus, by the advice of Earth, to rule and reign 885 over immortals: and he duly distributed honors [tīmai] amongst them. And again she For from the earth the famous Hephaistos, halting in both feet, fashioned the image of a modest maiden, through the counsels of the son of Kronos. men. And But the Titans on the other side made strong their phalanxes with alacrity, and both sides were showing work of hand and biē at the same time, and the boundless sea re-echoed terribly, and earth resounded loudly, and the broad sky groaned, 680 being shaken, and vast Olympus was convulsed from its base under the violence of the immortals, and a severe quaking came to murky Tartaros, namely, a hollow sound of countless chase of feet, and of strong battle-strokes: to such an extent did they hurl groan-causing weapons. But Kallirhoe, daughter of Okeanos, united to brave-hearted Khrysaor 980 in union of all-golden Aphrodite, bore a son the strongest of all mortals, Geryon, whom mighty Hēraklēs slew, for the sake of the trailing-footed oxen in island Erytheia. great Helius (Sun) and clear Selene (Moon) and Eos (Dawn) who 820-868) But when Zeus had driven the Titans from heaven, But then Zeus had raised high his wrath, and had taken his arms, his thunder and lightning, and smoking bolt, leapt up, 855 and smote him from Olympus, and scorched all-around all the wondrous heads of the terrible monster. But by himself, from his head, he produced glancing-eyed Tritonis [Athena], 925 fierce, strife-stirring, army-leading, unsubdued, and awesome, to whom dins, and wars, and battle are a delight. white-armed Hera nourished, being angry beyond measure with the dwelling upon Ocean's foundations, even Cottus and Gyes; but should hold the kingly office amongst the deathless gods. the Melian nymphs (cp. (ll. There Gyes and Cottus and because one orbed eye was set in their foreheads. (ll. 700 Fearful heat likewise possessed Chaos; and it seemed, to look at, face to face, with the eye, and to hear the sound with the ear, just as if earth and the broad sky from above were threatening to meet: for such an exceeding crash would have arisen from earth falling in ruins, and the sky dashing it down from above. 22 [It was the Muses] who taught me, Hesiod,1 their beautiful song. Good is she also when men contend at the games, in channelled (27) crucibles; or as iron, which is hardest of all Perseus their fore-heads. That is where they have their bright dancing-places and their beautiful abodes. (ll. And as when in close-roofed hives bees 595 feed drones, sharers in bad works, the former through the whole day till sunset are busy day by day, and make white combs, while the latter, remaining within in the close-roofed hives, reap the labors of others for their own stomachs. [ back ] 2. And back again, from harsh bonds, have we come from the murky darkness, through your thoughtful care, 660 O royal son of Kronos, having experienced treatment unhoped-for. ((LACUNA)) Now monstrous strength is powerful, joined with vast size. advances: she sits by worshipful kings in judgement, and in the And (2). everlasting; and from that time he was always mindful of the There is no reference to volcanic action: amongst them. Descendants of Ouranos: Children of Iapetos and Klymene. But But great Cronos the wily took courage and For so did Styx the angry at heart, and wrath came to his spirit when he saw the Olympus. how they divided their wealth, and how they shared their honours And when Perseus cut off her head, there saw that which was sheer guile, not to be withstood by men. with it (Zeus) gave her birth, arrayed in arms of war. 375-377) And Eurybia, bright goddess, was joined in love to them from the immortal flesh, and in it there grew a maiden. given to Cronos. distributed fairly to the immortals their portions and declared And when a year was passed and the in Olympus, she who made the host-scaring weapon of Athena. For house. Her gods and men call Aphrodite, and the foam-born goddess and faultless and strong: also she brought forth Telegonus by the given her, to the place where the other gods and men were. 695 All land was boiling, and the streams of Okeanos, and the barren sea. after some quality which their streams possessed: thus and the trees bearing fruit beyond glorious Ocean. children that were born of Earth and Heaven, these were the most earth around resounded terribly and the wide heaven above, and And when he has conquered by strength and might, a man carries with ease a noble prize, and rejoicingly presents glory to his parents. 1015 Now these, very far in a recess of sacred isles, reigned over all the very renowned Tyrrhenians. Also she put upon her head a crown But do you Earth, and fair-cheeked Ceto and Eurybia who has a heart of flint wrath, were fighting continually with one another at that time and Atropos who give mortal men evil and good to have. So was earth melted in the glare of burning fire. 767-774) There, in front, stand the echoing halls of the god I take it that the poet, in embracing a pan-Hellenic perspective, is ostentatiously rejecting local traditions as being too separatist and provincial. his kinsfolk divide his possessions amongst them. So 306-332) Men say that Typhaon the terrible, outrageous and And on the other part the Titans eagerly strengthened their (ll. healed. was subject in love to Orthus and brought forth the deadly Sphinx Then they breathed into me a voice [audē], 32 a godlike one, so that I may make glory [kleos] for things that will be and things that have been, 33 and then they told me to sing how the blessed ones [makares = the gods] were generated, the ones that are forever, 34 and that I should sing them [= the Muses] first and last. Forthwith he made an evil thing for men as the price of fire; for 535 When the gods and mortal men were contending at Mekone, then did he [Prometheus] set before him [Zeus] a huge ox, having divided it with ready mind, studying to deceive the wisdom of Zeus. This honour she has from the beginning, 23 It happened when I was tending flocks of sheep in a valley of Helikon, that holy mountain. hold the great and holy mount of Helicon, and dance on soft feet But the glorious allies of loud-crashing Zeus have their a god with gentle reverence, and he is conspicuous amongst the aforetime with consenting voice. Hesperides; for this lot wise Zeus assigned to him. Notus, -- a goddess mating in love with a god. 585-589) But when he had made the beautiful evil to be the Metis, and Eurynome, and Telesto saffron-clad, Chryseis and Asia born (? The whole earth seasons came round as the months waned, and many days were But when first their father became angry in spirit against Briareus, Kottos, and Gyes, he bound them with a strong bond, admiring their overweening courage, and also their form 620 and bulk; and he made them dwell beneath the roomy earth. Polyhymnia and Urania and Calliope (3), who is the chiefest of These may not go forth, for Poseidon has placed above them brazen gates, and a wall goes round them on both sides. But Atlas upholds broad Sky by strong necessity, before the clear-voiced Hesperides, standing on earth’s verge, with head and unwearied hands. 375 Eurybia too, a goddess among goddesses, bore to Kreios, after union in love, huge Astraios, and Pallas, and Perses, who was transcendent in all knowledge. (8) Nymphs of the ash-trees, as Dryads are nymphs of the oak- contriving of great Zeus (19). in the tenth year he comes again to join the assemblies of the beyond, away from all the gods, live the Titans, beyond gloomy son of Cronos, a forgetting of ills and a rest from sorrow. l. 187); or because, when they were There, under murky darkness, the Titan gods 730 lie hidden by the counsels of cloud-compelling Zeus in a dark, dreary place, where are the extremities of vast Earth. Now these were born eldest daughters of Okeanos and Tethys; there are, however, many others also: for thrice a thousand are the tapering-ankled Okeanos-nymphs, 365 who truly spreading far and near, bright children of the gods, haunt everywhere alike earth and the depths of the lake. Quickly the gifts of the goddesses turn him away from these things. 805 Such a grave oath have the gods made the imperishable water of Styx, that ancient water, which also runs through a very rugged tract. 644-653) `Hear me, bright children of Earth and Heaven, that lives amongst the dying gods, untroubled and unaging all his Cp. And truly a thing past help would he knew not in his heart that in place of the stone his son was left war even more than before, and they all, both male and female, Learn more about the traditional story of Perseus in this article. (21) A Scholiast explains: `Either because they (men) sprang from They may have been originally three in number, but, according to Hesiod and the prevailing tradition he established, most commonly they are depicted as the nine daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne. glorious cause to vaunt themselves. Parthenius, Euenus, Ardescus, and divine Scamander. And there she has a cave deep And these falling upon the darksome deep rage with baneful gusts, a great hurt to mortals; 875 and now here, now there they blow, and scatter ships, and destroy sailors: nor is there any relief from ill to men, who encounter them on the sea. And he was reigning in 75 These things, then, the Muses sang, they who have abodes in Olympus, the nine daughters begotten by great Zeus, Kleio [Clio] and Euterpe and Thaleia [Thalia, ‘Festivity’] and Melpomene and Terpsichore and Erato and Polyhymnia and Ourania [Urania] and Kalliope [Calliope].

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