20 Nov

dartmoor national park

Dartmoor The Dartmoor landscape is scattered with the marks left by the many generations who have lived and worked there over the centuries – such as the remains of the Dartmoor tin-mining industry, and farmhouses long since abandoned. In den Kalksteinhöhlen in der Nähe von Torquay fanden sich die ältesten Spuren menschlicher Besiedlung in Großbritannien neben Cheddar Gorge oder Kents Cavern. Everything you need to know before you come to Dartmoor. Lower Glenelg National Park Die erste Stadt, die auf dieser Grundlage eine regelmäßige Wasserversorgung von außerhalb ihrer Grenzen realisierte, war Plymouth. Areas of bracken are home to the high brown fritillary and pearl-bordered fritillary. including the marsh fritillary butterfly, southern damselfly, narrow-bordered bee hawkmoth and bog hoverfly. Dartmoor National Park. As the National Park approaches its 70th anniversary on 30 October, the byelaws governing public access to the land are currently being reviewed. Der kommerzielle Druck und die dadurch bewirkten immer schnelleren Veränderungen im Dartmoor führten 1883 zur Gründung der Dartmoor Preservation Association. The moor takes its name from the River Dart, which starts as the East Dart and West Dart and then becomes a single river at Dartmeet. High above the ancient woodlands of the Teign Gorge stands Castle Drogo. In Lydford wurde 1195 das für seinen rüden Umgang mit Gefangenen bekannte erste Gefängnis im Dartmoor erbaut. Naturliebhaber schätzen das zwar feuchte, aber milde Klima für Wanderungen. As well as shaping the landscape, these have traditionally provided a source of power for moor industries such as tin mining and quarrying. The earliest surviving farms, still in operation today, are known as the Ancient Tenements. Those who objected included the Open Spaces Society and the Dartmoor Preservation Association. Blank rounds may also be used, but the MoD does not notify the public of this in advance. As much of the national park is covered in thick layers of peat (decaying vegetation), the rain is usually absorbed quickly and distributed slowly, so the moor is rarely dry. On the upland heaths heather (ling) and bell heather are common along with western gorse. In letzter Zeit jedoch haben die Open Space Society und die Dartmoor Preservation Association mit einigem Erfolg gegen diese Nutzung und die dadurch verursachten Schäden in der sensiblen Moorlandschaft opponiert. [15] Dartmoor is a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) with four habitats (Northern Atlantic wet heaths with Erica tetralix; European dry heaths; Blanket bogs and Old sessile oak woods with Ilex and Blechnum in the British Isles) being listed as primary reasons for the selection of Dartmoor as a SAC. Dort steht die Kirche St Michal’s de Rupe auf Brentor. Licences were granted by the British Government but were recently[when?] Die meisten der in angelsächsischer Zeit und nach der Eroberung von den Normannen erbauten Festungen, zum Beispiel Exeter, Barnstaple, Totnes und Lydford sowie Okehampton und Plympton, waren die Keimzellen für die späteren Städte. Die Abdrücke dieser teilweise sehr kunstvoll gestalteten Stempel sammelt man in seinem eigenen Stempelbuch. Woodland birds include a number of migrant species, like the pied flycatcher, the wood warbler or the common redstart. In addition the area has a population of the Southern damselfly which is also a primary reason for its selection along with populations of Atlantic salmon and Otter being qualifying reasons. Auch die Nutzung des Wassers aus Dartmoor wirft Probleme auf. Noch heute spielt diese Organisation eine führende Rolle beim Schutz der natürlichen Lebensräume und bei der Erhaltung des freien öffentlichen Zugangs. Parts of Dartmoor have been used as military firing ranges for over 200 years. Der vierte Roman der David-Hunter-Reihe von Simon Beckett, Verwesung, spielt teilweise im Dartmoor. Der Tourismus ist seit langem ein bedeutender Wirtschaftsfaktor in der Region. Nahe der Stadt befindet sich die Benediktiner-Abtei Buckfast Abbey, eines der wenigen noch aktiven Klöster in Großbritannien. [1] However, this does not appear to relate to whether or not there is an outcrop of rock on their summit. The large systems of Bronze Age fields, divided by reaves, cover an area of over 10,000 hectares (39 sq mi) of the lower moors. Almost half of the park is moorland, and within it are four separate national nature reserves, including the 366 hectare East Dartmoor Woods & Heath. Fire was the main method of clearing land, creating pasture and swidden types of fire-fallow farmland. Lake-District-Nationalpark | Die Schäden, die der Dartmoor-Nationalpark dadurch erleidet, sind ebenfalls Gegenstand der Diskussion geworden. The prehistoric settlers began clearing the forest, and established the first farming communities. In kleinerem Umfang wurden noch bis ins 19. Dartmoor National Park in Devon is one of those places. For a full list, expand the Rivers of Dartmoor navigational box at the bottom of this page. Jahrhundert Blei-, Silber-, Eisenerz sowie Kupfer und Mangan abgebaut. Außerdem ist auch das Moorland selbst der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich. Die „Dartmoor-Aufnahmen“ des Films entstanden allerdings in West-Berlin. Diese Fähigkeit, den Wasserhaushalt der Hochebenen zu regulieren und Überschwemmungen zu verhindern, brachte ab dem 16. Auch hier sind die Mythen und Legenden, die sich rund um dämonische Hunde aus der Hölle, sogenannte Hetzhunde, ranken, ein wichtiges Element der Handlung. 954 km² der Landschaft sind als Dartmoor National Park ausgewiesen. Jahrhundert eine Grafschaft, war 851 und 1003 Ziel von Raubzügen der Wikinger und Dänen. [16], Wistman's Wood is one of the old sessile oak woods which contribute to the listing of Dartmoor as a SAC and is possibly a surviving fragment from the earliest Neolithic woodland clearances. Numerous prehistoric menhirs (more usually referred to locally as standing stones or longstones), stone circles, kistvaens, cairns and stone rows are to be found on the moor. Zweihundert Jahre danach griff Devonport diesen Ansatz erneut auf und bezog als zweite Stadt ihr Wasser aus Dartmoor. The largest settlements within the National Park are Ashburton (the largest with a population of about 3,500), Buckfastleigh, Moretonhampstead, Princetown, Yelverton, Horrabridge, South Brent, Christow, and Chagford.[1]. The wettest months are November and December and on the highest parts of the moor the average annual total rainfall is over 2,000 millimetres (79 in). Planning your visit. A considerable gravity anomaly is associated with the Dartmoor pluton as with other such plutons. Die vornehmlich Moor und Heide tragenden Verebnungsflächen des Granitmassivs werden von einer Vielzahl sogenannter Tors überragt, flachen Wiesenhügeln mit Granitfelsbildungen bis zu 10 Metern Höhe. Von Südwesten her fährt man auf alten, aber renovierten Straßen durch das Zentrum des Parks. Im Jahr 1907 errichtete die Stadt Paignton ihren Damm, gefolgt von vielen anderen. The stone walls of Dartmoor, located in Devonshire, enclosed 400 barracks and, according to prisoner of war Charles Andrews, "death itself, with hopes of an hereafter, seemed less terrible than this gloomy prison." Viele der archäologischen Fundkomplexe im Dartmoor stammen aus der Jungstein- (Spinster’s Rock) und Bronzezeit (2000 bis 500 v. After a few thousand years the mild climate deteriorated leaving these areas uninhabited and consequently relatively undisturbed to the present day. Dartmoor is an upland area in southern Devon, England.The moorland and surrounding land has been protected by National Park status since 1951. In diesem Zusammenhang bemüht man sich vor allem auch um gute Beziehungen zu den privaten Landbesitzern. Visitors take an impression of the letterbox's rubber stamp as proof of finding the box and record their visit by stamping their own personal stamp in the letterbox's logbook. More than 160 of the hills of Dartmoor have the word tor in their name but quite a number do not. Panorama – Great Britain: The Michelin Green Guide", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Dartmoor&oldid=1056979179, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from July 2013, All articles with vague or ambiguous time, Vague or ambiguous time from November 2021, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Upper Erme stone row is the longest on Dartmoor and in fact in the world at 3,300 m (10,800 ft). New-Forest-Nationalpark | Bovey Castle has five Red Stars from the AA for exceptional hospitality - the highest accolade awarded by the AA and given to only the most outstanding hotels. Die karge Moorlandschaft von Dartmoor beflügelte immer wieder in besonderer Weise die Phantasie von Schriftstellern. Die höchste Erhebung im Dartmoor ist der 621 m hohe High Willhays oder High Willes. Das Land gehört zu großen Teilen dem Duke of Cornwall, das heißt momentan dem britischen Thronfolger Prinz Charles. Am effektvollsten setzte wahrscheinlich Sir Arthur Conan Doyle die Kargheit und die oft mystische Stimmung der Dartmoor-Landschaft in seinem Detektiv-Thriller Der Hund von Baskerville ins Bild. A number of remains were "restored" by enthusiastic Victorians and, in some cases, they have placed their own interpretation on how an area may have looked. Inspired by the rugged landscape of Dartmoor on which we live and guided by our Master Distiller, Frank McHardy, our mission is to produce single malt English whisky of unrivalled quality that encapsulates the true spirit of Dartmoor National Park. The climate became wetter and cooler[clarification needed] over the course of a thousand years from around 1000 BC, resulting in much of high Dartmoor being largely abandoned by its early inhabitants. Pembrokeshire-Coast-Nationalpark | Die Torfschicht, die das Dartmoor überdeckt, ist in der Lage, große Mengen Wasser zu speichern und dann als Sickerwasser wieder abzugeben. Bemerkenswert ist auch der am Westrand des Parks befindliche Wasserfall The White Lady, so benannt, weil sich ein 30 Meter hoher Vorhang aus weißem Wasserschaum bildet. Dartmoor has a resident population of about 33,000,[1] which swells considerably during holiday periods with incoming tourists. Jahrhundert entdeckten Kaolin-Lagerstätten konnte weitergeführt werden. Überaus populär geworden ist der 1898 begonnene, die ganze Region einschließende Romanzyklus von Eden Phillpotts. The-Broads-Nationalpark | Im Februar 2021 brach in einem abgelegenen Moorgebiet in der Nähe von Tavistock ein Feuer aus, welches sich auf eine Breite von fünf Kilometer ausbreitete.[1]. Im Nordosten des Parks liegt über dem Flusstal des Teign das Castle Drogo; es ist das letzte Landschloss, das in Großbritannien gebaut worden ist. During the Great Thunderstorm of 1638, the moorland village of Widecombe-in-the-Moor was even said to have been visited by the Devil. Schon von weitem ist der 36 m hohe Turm der Gemeindekirche zu sehen. Charakteristisch sind außerdem die so genannten Clapper bridges aus dünnen Granitplatten. Weiter nordwestlich geht es nach Lynford. At other times, members of the public are allowed access. The valley bogs have lush growth of rushes, with sphagnum, cross-leaved heath, sundews and several other species. There is an aspiration to open a parkway station at the east end of Okehampton in the coming years. The granite (or more specifically adamellite) was intruded at depth as a pluton into the surrounding sedimentary rocks during the Carboniferous period, probably about 309 million years ago. [33] At the turn of the 19th century John Swete was one of the first people to visit Dartmoor for pleasure and his journals and watercolour paintings now provide a valuable historical resource. Charakteristisch sind außerdem die so genannten Clapper bridges aus dünnen Granitplatten. "Dartmoor Prison has a long and fascinating history that has seen many changes in its fortunes. Equally important for wildlife are the blanket bogs, upland heaths and the oak woodlands which are all of global importance. Das Geheimnis von Sittaford von Agatha Christie (im Original The Murder at Hazelmoor, 1931) handelt in einem fiktiven Ort Sittaford am Rande des Dartmoors. [6][7][8], The vegetation of the bogs depends on the type and location. Challacombe, near the prehistoric settlement of, 271 Newton Abbot – Bovey Tracey – Widecombe (Summer Saturdays only) (, 173 Moretonhampstead – Chagford – Exeter (Dartline), 178 Newton Abbot – Bovey Tracey – M'tonhampstead – Chagford – Okehampton (, 98 Tavistock – Princetown – Postbridge (Oakleys), This page was last edited on 24 November 2021, at 17:55. [29], Throughout human history, the landscape has been exploited for industrial purposes. Devon, seit dem 8. Dartmoor has inspired a number of artists and writers, such as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in The Hound of the Baskervilles and The Adventure of Silver Blaze, R. D. Blackmore, Eden Phillpotts, Beatrice Chase, Agatha Christie, Rosamunde Pilcher, and the Reverend Sabine Baring-Gould. It’s a captivating landscape of vast moorland and rugged hills and majestic castles. Embark on this scenic journey and take in the best of Lower Glenelg National Park - from towering limestone cliffs to the underground wonderland of Princess Margaret Rose Cave and abundant wildlife that calls the park home. Sir Francis Drake leitete den Bau des erforderlichen Wasserweges, der 1591 fertiggestellt wurde. Because of the 1985 Act, Dartmoor was largely unaffected by the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000, which established similar rights in other rural parts of the country, but in 2006, this Act opened up much of the remaining restricted land to walkers. Immer noch im Zentrum, aber in der Osthälfte, liegt das wahrscheinlich am häufigsten besuchte Dorf Dartmoors, Widecombe-in-the-Moor. Thanks to an initiative by the British Restoring Your Railway Fund, trains to Okehampton will resume for the first time in nearly 50 years, enabling tourists with nothing but a train ticket and a dream to get to Dartmoor National Park—and camp with defiant liberty, if they want. Keep up to date with our latest news and events: Wild, open moorlands and deep river valleys, with a rich history and rare wildlife, Dartmoor is a unique place. Im Dartmoor-Gebiet gibt es nur wenige Wiesen- und Weideflächen mit einer im Frühling blühenden Flora. Chr.). In den Höhenlagen finden sich außerdem eisenzeitliche Befestigungen. Stretching from Dartmoor to Nelson, the Glenelg River Canoe Trail meanders through the lower reaches of the Glenelg River. In 1820, the newly formed Royal Society of Literature offered a prize for a poem on the subject of Dartmoor, this being won by Felicia Hemans. William Crossing's definitive Guide to Dartmoor was published in 1909, and in 1938 a plaque and letterbox in his memory were placed at Duck's Pool on the southern moor. This compares with less than 800 millimetres (31 in) in the lower land to the east around the Exe Estuary, which is in the rain shadow of the moor. Flagpoles on many tors in and around the ranges fly red flags when firing is taking place. Parts of the Abbots Way, Two Moors Way and the Templer Way are on Dartmoor.[35]. The entire area is rich in antiquities and archaeology. Nearly 50 species of moss and liverwort are found in the wood along with 120 types of lichen, including Smith's horsehair lichen, speckled sea-storm lichen and pendulous wing-moss. Aus dem Dartmoor stammt das Hobby des Letterboxing: Man wandert durch das Moor und sucht dabei nach versteckten Behältnissen (Plastikschachteln, Tüten, Truhen), in denen sich ein Stempel, ein Brief sowie Hinweise auf andere Letterboxes (Briefkästen) befinden können. Immerse yourself in the wild glory of Devon’s own Dartmoor National Park, whilst soaking up the hospitality, comfort and warmth on which we pride ourselves here at Mill End. Eine große Rolle spielen dabei die verlassene Eisenbahn und die immer noch vorhandenen Schienenwege. Watertight containers, or 'letterboxes', are hidden throughout the moor, each containing a visitor's book and a rubber stamp. Over 60 species of lichens grow on the exposed surfaces of the granite tors, including granite-speck rim-lichen, purple rock lichen, brown cobblestone lichen and goldspot lichen and many rare lichen grow on rocks exposed by mining which are rich in heavy metals. Exmoor-Nationalpark | The world's largest land slug, the Ash black, is also found. Beispiele finden sich bei Grimspound. Diese haben bis heute die Erlaubnis der britischen Regierung, die Kaolinminen in der Nähe des Moors auszubeuten. Some have L-shaped porches to protect against wind and rain; some particularly good examples are to be found at Grimspound. The moorland and surrounding land has been protected by National Park status since 1951. [17] Mammals found here include otters, hazel dormice and nearly all of the UK's 16 bat species. Over half of Dartmoor National Park (57.3%) is private land; the Forest of Dartmoor being the major part of this, owned by the Duke of Cornwall. The most significant sites include: There are also an estimated 5,000 hut circles still surviving although many have been raided over the centuries by the builders of the traditional dry stone walls. For a more complete list see List of Dartmoor tors and hills. There are lots of ways to explore and enjoy Devon and Dartmoor, whether on foot, by bike or on the back of a horse; but by far the most popular is by walking. Some of these, topped with bright green moss, are known to locals as "feather beds" or "quakers", because they can shift (or 'quake') beneath a person's feet. Seitdem haben etliche andere Städte und Gemeinden Dämme gebaut und Leitungen verlegt, und heute bezieht praktisch die ganze umliegende Region ihr Wasser aus dem Dartmoor. Skip to content. Some way into the moor stands the town of Princetown, the site of Dartmoor Prison, which was originally built by Isbell Rowe & Company, Plymouth, for prisoners of war from the Napoleonic Wars and the War of 1812. Auch der Roman Im Schatten des Dartmoor von Jenny-Aline Veitinger hat diese Gegend zum Schauplatz. Dartmoor is known for its tors – hills topped with outcrops of bedrock, which in granite country such as this are usually rounded boulder-like formations. On our web pages you will find: information about us and our work our publications our latest news and media releases The highly acidic soil has ensured that no organic remains have survived, but the durability of the granite has meant that the remains of buildings, enclosures and monuments have survived well, as have flint tools. The highest point is High Willhays, 621 m (2,037 ft) above sea level. Dartmoor includes the largest area of granite in Britain, with about 625 km2 (241 sq mi) at the surface, though most of it is under superficial peat deposits. Handy little full colour map of Dartmoor National Park. Detailed mapping and visitor information to the National Park along with a selection of photographs.The perfect way to explore this beautiful area in the South of England. Jahrhundert der endgültige Niedergang einsetzte. The moor is accessed directly via a trackway behind the Hotel. Some "challenge" and charitable events take place with assistance of the military on Dartmoor including the long established Ten Tors event and the more recent Dartmoor Beast.[28]. Information about Exmoor National Park in south west England. Handy little full colour map of Broads National Park. Detailed mapping and visitor information to the National Park along with a selection of photographs.The perfect way to explore this beautiful area of East Anglia. Einer davon könnte Wistman's Wood sein. The man replied, "Be there now a chap under'n?" A beautiful landscape of moorland, woodland, coast and rivers shaped by people and nature over thousands of years. HMP Dartmoor is part of one of … The military use of the moor has been another source of controversy, as when training was extended in January 2003. It was not until the early Mediaeval period that the weather again became warmer, and settlers moved back onto the moors. Like their ancient forebears, they also used the natural granite to build their homes, preferring a style known as the longhouse — some of which are still inhabited today, although they have been clearly adapted over the centuries. Found inside – Page 17I also thank Andrew Fleming, University of Wales Lampeter, UK, for allowing me to reproduce part of his Figure 28 (Fleming, 1985), and Tom Greeves, Tavistock, UK, for permission to reproduce his Plate 17 (Dartmoor National Park, ... Geocache clues make use of GPS coordinates, whereas letterboxing clues tend to consist of grid references and compass bearings. Cairngorms-Nationalpark | A few stories have emerged in recent decades, such as the "hairy hands", that are said to attack motorists on the B3212 near Two Bridges;[23] and the "Beast of Dartmoor", a supposed big cat.[24]. The garden is colourful in all seasons, and there are miles of pathways to explore in the Teign Gorge. Es wurde Anfang der 1980er Jahre durch eine Revolte bekannt, die unter anderem durch die dort vorherrschenden schlechten hygienischen Verhältnisse ausgelöst worden waren. Dartmoor is now offering visits for family, friends and significant others, in line with stage 2 of the National Framework for Prisons. Die Tiere werden auf speziellen Märkten verkauft und eignen sich hervorragend als Reitpferde für Kinder. renounced after sustained public pressure from bodies such as the Dartmoor Preservation Association.[30]. Dartmoor National Park North-York-Moors-Nationalpark | In 1815, more than 5,000 prisoners of war left Dartmoor. Abwechslung bieten attraktive Waldgebiete, zum Beispiel das Yarner Wood National Nature Reserve oder das Gebiet der Becky Falls mit einem Wasserfall. Für Wanderer, vor allem für solche, die sich auf das Lesen von Karten verstehen, sind die Möglichkeiten immens. (1997), "Dartmoor – Special Area of Conservation", "The 7th Dartmoor Society Debate: How Important is China Clay to Dartmoor? There are also numerous kistvaens, Neolithic stone box-like tombs. View down the River Meavy towards Leather Tor and Sharpitor, Role of anthropogenic fire and in creating moors, and moor-burning in sustaining them, described in Pyne, Stephen J. Eine schöne Beschreibung der Region gab R. D. Blackmore 1881 in einer seiner weniger bekannten Novellen, Christowell, a Dartmoor Tale. This book is a celebration of Dartmoor National Park, in its 60th birthday year - highlighting its beauty, wildlife and the cultural heritage of its special landscape and the people who live and work there. Sabine Baring-Gould durchstreifte, seinem ausgeprägten Hang zum Übersinnlichen folgend, in jungen Jahren allein die karge Dartmoorlandschaft. Neben den bekannteren und weniger bekannten Sehenswürdigkeiten Dartmoors gehören die verstreut liegenden schönen Weiler und Dörfer zu den Anziehungspunkten; einigen von ihnen hat die Parkverwaltung den Status von „Conservation Areas“ zugesprochen. Jahrhundert und wurde erbaut, um das Zinn von den Minen mit Packpferden zu den Schmelzöfen von Tavistock und Chagford transportieren zu können. Compared with Teignmouth, which is on the coast about 22 miles (35 km) to the east, the average maximum and minimum temperatures are 3.0 °C (5.4 °F) and 2.6 °C (4.7 °F) lower respectively, and frost is at least five times as frequent. About 37% of Dartmoor is common land. (Credit: AnyaWhy / Shutterstock)Okehamptonites have long pined for the restoration of passenger rail service. Weiter flussabwärts kommt man zur Fingle Bridge, einem massiven, dreibogigen Bauwerk. Drei dieser Wälder stammen wahrscheinlich noch aus der Zeit, als das ganze Areal vor hunderten von Jahren zum königlichen Jagdgebiet gehörte. Dartmoor's fictional use as an MoD centre for animal testing called Baskerville was referenced in the BBC drama Sherlock episode "The Hounds of Baskerville". The White Hart Hotel, The Square, Moretonhampstead, Dartmoor National Park, Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ13 8NQ 01647 440500 [email protected] Found insideDartmoor National Park Authority. 1 Table 6 - EXPENDITURE PROGRAMMES - NATIONAL PARK DEPARTMENT 1977/78. “ It shall be the duty of the Commission to take such steps as appear to them expedient for securing that persons interested : ( a ) ... Der 1951 eingerichtete Dartmoor-Nationalpark soll helfen, die Ursprünglichkeit des Gebietes zu erhalten, seine archäologischen Überreste wie die Steinkreise im Dartmoor und die Megalithkomplex von Merrivale, The Graveyard und Grimspound seine Flora, oder seine Fauna zu schützen. Insects found in the heathlands include the emperor moth, green hairstreak and the bilberry bumblebee. Im Dartmoor finden sich zahlreiche Reste bronzezeitlicher Wohnstätten, Feldsysteme und Steinkreise. Yorkshire-Dales-Nationalpark, Schottland: While the moors topped with granite tors are the most iconic part of Dartmoor's landscape, only about half of Dartmoor is actually moorland. Most of these date back to the 14th century and sometimes earlier. [9], Some of the bogs on Dartmoor have achieved notoriety. In areas where water accumulates, dangerous bogs or mires can result. Dartmoor [.mw-parser-output .IPA a{text-decoration:none}ˈdɑːtmʊə(r)/-mɔː(r)] ist eine Hügellandschaft in der englischen Grafschaft Devon. In summer, convection caused by solar surface heating sometimes forms shower clouds and a large proportion of rainfall falls from showers and thunderstorms at this time of year. Due to the influence of the Gulf Stream snowfall is not common, though due to its high altitude it is more vulnerable to snowfall than surrounding regions. The disused Rippon Tor Rifle Range was built to train soldiers during the Second World War, and remained in use until its closure in 1977. Der nordwestliche Teil des Moors wird von der Britischen Armee seit den napoleonischen Kriegen für Manöver- und Schießübungen benutzt. 954 km² der Landschaft sind als Dartmoor National Park ausgewiesen. Überreste von alten Schmelzöfen und wüst gefallene Bergbausiedlungen erinnern an die einstige Bedeutung des Zinn- und Kupfererzbergbaus für die Region. Die höchste Erhebung im Dartmoor ist der 621 m hohe High Willhays oder High Willes. Riverside is a quiet, secluded countryside park, which is open all year, just a few hundred yards from the A38 in Plymouth, Devon. In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, the fictional 1994 Quidditch World Cup final between Ireland and Bulgaria was hosted on the moor. Until the early 19th century Dartmoor was not considered to be a place worth visiting: in the 1540s John Leland wrote in his Itinerary that "Dartmore is muche a wilde Morish and forest Ground", and even by 1789 Richard Gough's opinion was that it is a "dreary mountainous tract". [3] It is reputedly the haunt of pixies, a headless horseman, a mysterious pack of "spectral hounds", and a large black dog, among others. "Ees, I reckon," was the reply, "and a hoss under me likewise. Over the centuries these Neolithic practices greatly expanded the upland moors, and contributed to the acidification of the soil and the accumulation of peat and bogs.[22]. North Bovey, Dartmoor National Park, Devon, TQ13 8RE. Tread lightly – Dartmoor is beautiful, don’t spoil it by lighting fires or leaving waste behind. Outside, a pop-up National Park booth has appeared, and a new rail-link bus service (118) waits to connect passengers to the West Dartmoor towns of Lydford and Tavistock. Today, a large British Army training camp remains at Okehampton — also the site of an airbase during the Second World War. Im Dartmoor finden sich zahlreiche Reste bronzezeitlicher Wohnstätten, Feldsysteme und Steinkreise. Fox Tor Mires was supposedly the inspiration for Great Grimpen Mire in Conan Doyle's novel The Hound of the Baskervilles,[10] although there is a waymarked footpath across it. At least 252 did not return to America, casualties of the hated prison. Blanket bog, which forms on the highest land where the rainfall exceeds 2,000 millimetres (79 in) a year, consists mainly of cotton-grass (Eriophorum species), sedges (Carex and Rhynchospora), Bog Asphodel and Common Tormentil, with Sphagnum thriving in the wettest patches. Neben Steinkreisen sind über 2000 runde Hüttengrundrisse registriert.

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