20 Oct

polar bear facts

There are also small depressions in the pad that function as little suction cups and increase the grip of the polar bear’s paws on the ice when it runs (Stirling and Guravich 1990, p 25). When the ice is very thin, the bears extend their legs far apart and lower their bodies to distribute their weight. During the first 2 months, cubs have an unsteady walk. During a ‘stalk’, the polar bear picks up the scent of the seal and tactfully moves closer to the seal. If they kill a newborn pup, they most likely will not eat it (Lynch 1993, p 66). [email protected]. Breeding Behavior: Females do not usually mate when cubs of the year or yearlings accompany them. From the tip of the nose, to the tip of the tail, polar bears generally range from 8 to 8.4 feet in length (Brown 1993, p 63-64).

Stirling and Guravich. When the mother begins to stalk for food, the cubs will lie down and not move until she is finished her hunt. 1st edition. During this time they begin to acclimate to the cold temperatures as they play, chase, roll around, fight, and slide in the snow. In late October the pregnant bear will come ashore and walk from snowbank to snowbank until she finds an appropriate place to build her den (Stirling 1990, p 85). Polar bear fur is translucent, and only appears white because it reflects visible light.

Polar bears and adult walruses are rivals, occasionally coming into contact while feeding on whale carcasses or in the process of killing seals. Denning: After mating in spring, the female has only a few months to store away large deposits of fat before she needs to den in the fall. In Russia, polar bears are classified as a Red Data Book species, a listing that includes animals considered rare or endangered. Polar bears must take advantage of the good hunting to prepare for the times when their stored body fat is the key to survival. (877) 365-7879 By 8 months, cub’s face begins to fill out. Single cubs account for 20-30% of all births. During the summer months, polar bears will also eat carrion, small pieces of seaweed, grasses, crowberries, lemmings or voles (Lynch 1993, p 119). Male cubs are usually larger than the female cubs. They also hunt beluga whales and walruses (Lynch 1993, p 122). By 2-5 years old the face gets longer but not wider. Polar bears range in color from silvery-white to light yellow to straw yellow. When a polar bear stands upright, the bear can reach a height of 10 feet or more. After the age of 50 days, their canine teeth begin to grow in. Brown 1993, Gary. The polar bear will slowly creep towards its prey, trying not to allow the seal to realize it is being hunted. Male polar bears generally weigh between 770 to 1500 pounds (Stirling and Guravich 1990, p 23) but can exceed more than 1500 lbs. Mating takes place on sea ice between April and May. Help support our mission. Females stop having cubs around the age of 20. At that moment, the polar bear lunges head first into the hole and grabs the seal (Lynch 1993, p 65). Their feet are flatter than those of other bears and are useful for shoveling snow when building dens (Brown 1993, p 73). Cubs learn from their mother by watching and copying her movements and behavior. The bottoms of their paws are covered with fur to keep them warm and to help with traction in slippery situations.A polar bear can sniff out a seal's breathing hole from more than half a mile away, according to the National Zoo.

Litter Size: Two-thirds of all births result in twins. Enemies: Most bears have few natural enemies except for humans and the human impact on bear habitat. Larger males have a greater chance of winning these battles and of mating. Ears/Hearing: Polar bears have small fur covered ears and sensitive hearing. Tracks: A polar bears forepaw is approximately 5 ¾ inches long and 9 inches wide while the hindpaw usually measures 13 inches long and 9 inches wide. In spring and summer, the pregnant bear will feed upon ringed seal pups that have been recently weaned. The sea ice provides a platform from which polar bears can hunt.

The pads of the polar bear are covered with small papillae, which increase friction between the foot and the ice. PO Box 161 1st edition.

In the U.S., polar bears are listed as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act. Taxonomy: The scientific name for the polar bear is Ursus maritimus, which means ‘Sea Bear’ in Latin.
(Lynch 1993, p 5), Teeth: Healthy adult polar bears have a total of 42 teeth – incisors, canine, premolars (for biting) and molars (for shearing). When the cubs emerge from the den they weigh about 25 – 30 lbs. Even the inside of the ear is covered with fur to protect against the cold temperatures. They have a long thin but well developed neck, highly developed hindquarters and a straight profile (Brown 1993, p 51). They measure up to 30 centimeters (11.81 inches) across, to help polar bears tread on thin ice. Smell: Polar bears have an excellent sense of smell and can locate seals up to 40 miles away (Brown 1993, p 82). This is the time of the year when they replenish their body fat.

1926 Highway 169 Yearlings and 2-year-old cubs hunt approximately 4 – 7% of the time. The seal may be at a breathing hole, in a snow lair, or it may have hauled itself out on the ice. A polar bear’s territory may be small if the bear has constant access to ice and seals. Polar bears can consume up to 150 lbs. A polar bear’s track is generally only visible in soft snow or mud and may show fringed edges due to the hair on the paw (Brown 1993, p 76). An exception to this is threat walruses pose to polar bears. 1990.

Beneath all that thick fur,… A polar bear learns the seasonal pattern of movements as a cub during the 2 years it remains with its mother (Stirling and Guravich 1990, p 68).

Females usually breed for the first time when they are 4 years of age (Stirling 1990, p 89). They remain patient and well behaved. The cub soon learns to remain silent and observe the mother’s movements. Females usually weigh from 330 to 720 lbs (Lynch 1993, p 58), while a super-fat pregnant females may reach as much as 1,100 lbs (Stirling and Guravich 1990, p 23). Mature males turn yellow as they age (Lynch 1993, p 5). The bottom of the paw is completely covered with fur. Their fat not only keeps polar bears warm, it also increases their buoyancy when they swim.Polar bears have built-in socks.

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