20 Oct

ag carinae

Carina is the 34th largest constellation in the sky, occupying an area of 494 square degrees. NGC 3603, photo: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage (STScI,AURA)-ESA and Hubble Collaboration. However, the star survived, even if it has not yet fully recovered from the event. The star belongs to the spectral class WR pe. It was discovered by the French astronomer Nicolas Louis de Lacaille in 1751-52, who observed it from the Cape of Good Hope. A.G. Carinae Become a Fan Remove Fan. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Possibly, the central star – or binary star – has the same shape, or the waves sent out by the explosion in 1841 have created a standing wave at the centre, or there are two small black holes inside the nebula, or there is some other mechanism at play. The oak beam, as the myth goes, was able to speak because it was part of an oracle. The neighboring constellations are Centaurus, Chamaeleon, Musca, Pictor, Puppis, Vela, and Volans. Among its brightest stars are two magnitude five red giants and three binary stars. Our results show direct spectroscopic evidence, for the first time, that an LBV may rotate at a significant fraction of its breakup velocity. It was the French astronomer Nicolas Louis de Lacaille who divided it into the three smaller constellations – Carina, Puppis and Vela – in the 18th century. The brightest star in the cluster is a magnitude 6.5 red giant. It is known by the names Aspidiske, Turais and Scutulum, all diminutives of the word “shield,” in Greek, Arabic and Latin respectively. The cluster spans about 50 arc minutes and contains about 60 stars in total, most of them fifth magnitude and fainter. V357 Carinae is a spectroscopic eclipsing binary star with a mean apparent magnitude of 3.43. It lies in the second quadrant of the southern hemisphere (SQ2) and can be seen at latitudes between +20° and -90°.

It contains several O-type stars (hot, bluish, extremely luminous stars; the rarest type among the main sequence stars). Antares and many other bright stars in the constellations Scorpius, Centaurus, Crux and Lupus belong to the association. χ Carinae (Chi Carinae) is a blue-white subgiant approximately 387 light years distant. Iota Carinae is the 68th brightest star in the sky.

It is classified as a luminous blue variable (LBV) binary star. The Diamond Cluster, named for its stellar clarity, is an open cluster near the constellation Volans. This image was taken on Apr. AG Carinae is classified as a Luminous Blue Variable. It is also classified as a Cepheid variable star and its luminosity varies from magnitude 3.84 to 4.02. Thus, AG Car (and possibly other LBVs) is indeed close to the ΓΩ limit, as predicted by theoretical studies of LBVs. V382 Carinae is a yellow G-type hypergiant, 5930.90 light years distant. Based on the system’s similarity to that of the star that became the supernova SN 2006jc in UGC 4904 in the constellation Lynx, which had a supernova impostor event in 2004, two years prior to exploding, some believe that we will definitely live to see Eta Carinae explode.

On the way, they faced the Clashing Rocks (Symplegades) that guarded the entrance to the Black Sea and crushed all ships that passed between them. It is a shell star, a Gamma Cassiopeiae type variable (fast rotating star with a disc of gas surrounding it at the equator), and has a mean apparent magnitude of 3.30. Iota Carinae belongs to the spectral type A8 Ib. Analysis of spectra obtained in 2002 March and 2003 January, when the star was cooling, yielded projected rotational velocities of 110+/-10 and 85+/-10 km s-1, respectively. AG Carinae is a luminous blue variable star, one of the brightest stars known in the Milky Way, with an absolute magnitude of -10.3. It was first catalogued as a fourth magnitude star by the English astronomer and physicist Edmond Halley in 1677.

The Theta Carinae Cluster, also known as the Southern Pleiades because of its resemblance to the famous cluster in the constellation Taurus, is an open cluster, approximately 479 light years distant, and visible to the naked eye. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience.

While the Earth’s atmosphere will protect the population from the gamma rays and the magnetosphere from some other types of cosmic rays, the upper layers of the atmosphere, the ozone layer, satellites, and spacecraft could be damaged and any astronauts who happen to be in space could be injured. Tham khảo. It has an apparent magnitude of 1.9. The images confirm the presence of highly axisymmetric features in AG Carinae's circumstellar environment.

Subs were 15 seconds each at ISO 6400, stack of 29 exposures, total exposure time 7m 15s. (The city is the present-day Abu Qir.). The Homunculus Nebula is an emission nebula embedded within the Eta Carinae Nebula, immediately surrounding the star Eta Carinae. They show variable and unpredictable behaviour, experiencing periods of AG Carinae and outbursts alike. Several functions may not work. Its name means “the keel” (keel of a ship) in Latin. Carina represents the main body of Argo Navis and the star Canopus marks the blade on one of the ship’s steering oars.

It has an apparent magnitude of 2.74 and is 439 light years distant. The brightest star in the cluster, as the name indicates, is Theta Carinae, a blue-white dwarf. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies.

NGC 3603 was originally catalogued by John Herschel as a nebula in 1847. It has an apparent magnitude of 1.86 and is 630 light years distant. If it is not better known, it is probably because it lies far in the southern hemisphere. Canopus is known by another name, Suhail (Soheil, Süheyl, Suhel, Suhayl), derived from the Arabic name for several bright stars, including Lambda Velorum (now formally known as Suhail) and Regor in the constellation Vela. Miaplacidus is the second brightest star in the constellation and the 29th brightest star in the sky. AG Carinae is surrounded by an impressive shell nebula. When observed from latitudes south of 37°18’, the star never sets below the horizon.

Our non-LTE spectral analysis, with the radiative transfer code CMFGEN, revealed the photospheric nature of these lines, predicting, however, much narrower and deeper absorption profiles than observed.
Eta Carinae is still expected to explode as a supernova or hypernova in the relatively near future; within the next several million years or so. It is about 740 light years distant. Carina constellation is located in the southern sky. At the same time, Canopus never rises north of 37°18’ and it cannot be observed from far-northern latitudes. The Keyhole Nebula was named by John Herschel in the 19th century. AG Carinae (AG Car) adalah salah satu bintang di rasi Carina.Bintang ini termasuk bintang yang cemerlang di Galaksi Bima Sakti.Bintang ini berada pada jarak 20,000 tahun cahaya dan diselimuti oleh awan gas sehingga sangat sulit dilihat oleh mata telanjang.

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Please re-enable javascript to access full functionality. Carina Nebula (Eta Carinae Nebula, NGC 3372). Found within the constellation of Carina in the southern sky, AG Carinae lies 20 000 light-years away, nestled in the Milky Way. The star system is 1,623 light years distant.

Astrophysical Observatory. The derived rotational velocities are proportional to R-1*, as expected from angular momentum conservation. AG Carinae uploaded in Deep Sky: Not a Planetary Nebula but a shell expelled by a Luminous Blue Variable.

We report the detection of broad absorptions due to Si IV λλ4088-4116 in the luminous blue variable (LBV) AG Carinae during its last hot phase (2001-2003).

The star is approximately 6,000 light years distant and its apparent magnitude varies between 5.7 and 9.0. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly.
NGC 2808 is a globular star cluster with an apparent magnitude of 7.8. Agreement NNX16AC86A, Is ADS down? Athena fitted the ship with an oak beam from the oracle of Zeus at Dodona, believed to be the oldest Hellenic oracle. It is best known in southern latitudes for being part of the False Cross asterism, along with Avior, and the stars Delta and Kappa Velorum in the constellation Vela. V533 Carinae (x Carinae) is a white A-type supergiant, approximately 4,000 light years distant. In 1843, it was the second brightest star in the sky (after Sirius), with an apparent magnitude of -0.8 and – it bears repeating – at a distance of roughly 7,500 light years (compared to Sirius at 8.6 light years). The False Cross got its name because it is often mistaken for the Southern Cross, the asterism dominating the constellation Crux. The brightest star in the constellation is Canopus, Alpha Carinae, with an apparent magnitude of -0.74. There are two meteor showers associated with the constellation: the Alpha Carinids and the Eta Carinids. The nebula is between 6,500 and 10,000 light years distant and has an apparent magnitude of 1.0. The apparent magnitudes of the two stars are 3.01 and 6.26 respectively. By 1782, it dimmed again.

Other famous deep sky objects in the constellation include the Theta Carinae Cluster (Southern Pleiades), the Wishing Well Cluster, the Diamond Cluster, and the open cluster NGC 3603. Stars: Individual: Constellation Name: AG Carinae. In 1843, a supernova impostor event was observed in the direction of Eta Carinae. Two stars did not have traditional names, only designations; Epsilon Carinae and Alpha Pavonis. Carina by itself is not associated with any myth in particular, but the larger constellation to which it once belonged – Argo Navis – represented the ship on which Jason and the Argonauts sailed to Colchis (western part of present-day Georgia, on the Black Sea) to get the Golden Fleece. It is one of the largest diffuse nebulae known, being brighter and four times the size of the Orion Nebula (Messier 42) in Orion constellation. It is a small, dark cloud of dust and cold molecules with bright filaments of fluorescent gas that appears contrasted against the bright nebula in the background. The constellation Pyxis (compass), created from stars that used to form the constellation Malus, which represented the ship’s mast in ancient times, was added near the ship later.

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